Lose Weight With Apple Cider Vinegar: Really Wonder Drug Or Big Nonsense?

Have you heard of the panacea apple vinegar (apple cider vinegar) for losing weight? Did you then also find the claims about apple vinegar too good to be true?

Yet research shows that this natural substance has an enormous cleansing effect on the body. As a result, apple cider vinegar can offer a laundry list of benefits for your health. And, you can even lose weight with apple vinegar!

You may wonder what apple vinegar is exactly, what it does and how you can lose weight with apple vinegar? I will explain all of that in this article.

Apple cider vinegar, therefore, has a cleansing effect and this also affects other things in your body. You can also lose weight with apple vinegar! If you regularly consume apple cider vinegar, this has an effect on the following areas:
  • Acceleration of the metabolism
  • Stimulation of fat burning
  • Increasing energy
  • Reducing the appetite
  • Improvement of digestion
  • Enough reasons to be able to lose weight with apple vinegar!
In addition, you can not only lose weight with apple vinegar. When using this drink there will be many other benefits for your health, namely:
  • Prevention of flu symptoms
  • Prevention of stomach disorders
  • Dissolving kidney stones
  • Detoxify heavy metals and other toxins
  • Relaxing of the throat, nose and ear airways
  • Relaxing the stomach, which will reduce stomach acid
  • Reduce asthmatic bronchitis
  • Reducing allergies
  • Reducing glucose levels (also in diabetics)
  • Reduce a migraine
  • Reduce inflammation and rheumatic symptoms
  • Improve the skin
As you can see, apple cider vinegar is unbeatable when it comes to improving your health! You will only notice these health benefits after taking apple vinegar for 3 to 4 weeks.

When you first take apple cider vinegar, then you will not mind this tasty find. Therefore start with apple vinegar mixed with juice. Yet you will notice within a week that apple vinegar is easier to drink and you can switch to water.

Can not you get used to the taste? Then there are still apple vinegar capsules. These are only less effective because there is a lower concentration of apple vinegar in it.

If you drink your drink with apple vinegar in the morning, then it is wise to eat something first. This prevents the apple vinegar from coming on an empty stomach. For the rest of the day, it is best to take the apple cider vinegar half an hour before lunch and dinner.

Note: The acid of the apple vinegar can affect the enamel of your teeth and therefore it is advisable to rinse your mouth with water after drinking. Then wait for at least 30 minutes of brushing your teeth, otherwise, you will polish the acid of the apple vinegar in the protective layer of your teeth.

If you want to use apple cider vinegar to improve your overall health, 1 or 2 glasses of water per day with 1 or 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar are enough.

If you want to lose weight with apple vinegar, you can take more, but never more than 3 glasses a day. If you do, you will not get the desired effect and you also have a chance of side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, indigestion or stomach acid.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used externally for example for your skin or hair. For this also applies that you do not have to use too much and always dilute the apple vinegar.

Research has shown that you can lose between one and three kilos over a period of about 3 months (source). Even though apple vinegar is rightly seen as a panacea, you do not lose a lot of weight.

If you want to lose weight faster, you will have to take more measures!