Healthy Nutrition And Lose Weight Women

Healthy nutrition and weight loss are even more important for women than for men. The results of all scientific studies show that men on average lose weight twice as much as women.

Both men and women only fall if they eat healthy and varied food, exercise enough and ... burn more stored body fat.

How quickly we burn fat depends on various factors. First of all, the speed of our metabolism or fat burning. And here is a big difference between the two sexes.

Healthy eating for women who want to lose weight more easily looks different than for men.

What should women eat to lose weight as quickly as men?

Healthy nutrition and weight loss for women. One thing is fixed. Women who want to lose weight as quickly as their husbands have to eat differently. Indeed, healthy food and weight loss for women looks different in many ways than for men. Logically, if you know that men lose twice as fast as women. That has a lot to do with our metabolism or metabolism.

The extent to which we burn stored body fat and lose weight is strongly influenced by our metabolism. The more active and faster our metabolism, the easier and faster we lose our overweight. Healthy food and weight loss, therefore, looks different for women than for men.

If you want to lose weight faster and easier, you have to burn more fat. That is the case for both men and women. A healthy diet and weight loss for women also covers fat burning. Men burn fat much faster than women.

That man lose weight at least twice faster depends on several factors:
  • Men are on average larger than women: in most cases, men are larger than women. The larger we are, the more energy we burn. When men eat healthily, they burn more fat than women who eat the same and make equally strenuous but are smaller.
  • Men have more muscles: they burn more fat and calories. The larger our muscle mass, the more fat they consume. Muscles consume energy, even at rest
  • Men cook less: usually, it is the women who cook and are at risk of taking extra calories before their meal, because they have more opportunity to taste
  • Women are more at home: women usually work half-time and are therefore more at home than men. The chance that they are more likely to grab unhealthy snacks is therefore much greater
Healthy nutrition and weight loss by activating metabolism

To lose weight faster, we have to activate our metabolism. More than 70% of the speed with which we lose weight depends on the activity of our metabolism. Fortunately, we can stimulate that extra by moving more and eating the right food. This increases your muscle mass and you will not only look tighter. If you keep this up, you will also burn more fat and lose weight more quickly.

Healthy food and weight loss for women differs with this for men.

What do women eat for more health and faster weight loss?

To burn more fat and easier to lose, our health must be top-of-the-line. We do this with food that contains as many healthy nutrients as possible, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber.

To stay healthy and in good condition, women need a larger amount of some vitamins and minerals than men.

Healthy food and weight loss for women, therefore, looks different than for men.

Healthy nutrition and weight loss for women:
  • Healthy food with iron: healthy food and weight loss for women ... Women need more iron than men because they lose a lot of blood every month. Iron is an important mineral that helps us to lose weight faster. In this way it brings extra oxygen to our blood and muscles, it promotes more active metabolism, helps in the production of red blood cells and ensures a healthy immune system. We ourselves can not produce iron, we have to get it out of our daily diet.
  • Food rich in iron: especially beef and lamb, fish, chicken, and turkey are important sources of (heme) iron. Heme iron is the healthiest form of iron and does not occur in healthy products such as vegetables, nuts, and legumes such as beans, peas, vegetable sprouts, lentils, and chickpeas.
  • Vitamin D: is one of the essential vitamins that our body cannot create itself. This can only be done subcutaneously, under the influence of the sunlight. Only a few foods such as fatty fish (wild salmon, eel, mackerel, tuna, trout, cod fillet, sardines, halibut, dorade, herring and anchovies), cheese and egg yolk contain a small amount of vitamin D. Much scientific research has been done on the influence of vitamin D and weight loss, especially at the University of Tehran (Iran). This led to the conclusion that women who consumed just 25 micrograms of vitamin D3 every day lost up to 3 kilos more obesity in three months than women who did not. Vitamin D also provides strong bones and teeth and for the easier absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is one of our strongest weapons against bone loss (osteoporosis)
  • Folic acid (vitamin B11): stimulate health, especially in women. Sufficient folic acid is important for pregnant women, or for those who want to get pregnant quickly. We find folic acid mainly in fresh vegetables, fruit, potatoes, in all whole grain products and in dairy. For extra folic acid, you preferably take a nutritional supplement
  • Fruits and vegetables: vegetables you eat as much as you like, but at least 300 grams per day, also as a healthy snack. Due to the presence of fruit sugar, you limit the consumption of fruit to a maximum of two pieces per day. Vegetables are full of healthy nutrients and contain little or no calories
  • Limit consumption of alcohol as much as possible: up to one glass per day. Women experience the disadvantages of alcohol more quickly than men; mainly because they usually weigh less, carry a higher percentage of fat and less body fluid.