Lose Weight Exercise Routine With Exercise Bike

You have endless possibilities regarding training on an exercise bike. But where do you have to start exactly? A training schedule for an exercise bike can help you achieve your goals. Which training schedule suits you best depends on your goal. Do you want a schedule to lose weight? Or do you want to work on your fitness? In addition, it is also important to alternate your workouts. Below you will find 3 training schedules for an exercise bike.

1. Interval training: alternate high and low intensity
Interval training is a training on your exercise bike where you alternate high intensity with lower intensity. These periods are very short, so your body has to adjust again and again. This training is suitable when you want to lose weight or improve your condition. You will eventually be able to sustain a faster pace because your body gets used to the speed impulses. Below is a basic interval training for the exercise bike.

Interval training on the exercise bike:
1. First cycle for 10 minutes at a comfortable pace. This is your warm-up.
2. High intensity: raise the resistance a number of levels and then cycle at a high pace for 2 minutes.
3. Low intensity: cycle for 1 minute at a slow pace which is close to your warm-up pace.
4. Do a total of 10 of these rounds and always try to keep the same pace.
5. Cooling down: Finally, finish with another 10 minutes of cycling at a warm-up pace.

Improving interval training on the exercise bike:
Will the training be very easy after a while? You simply increase the training by applying one of the following steps:
  • Increase your moment of high intensity from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.
  • Increase the total number of rounds each time. Keep a maximum of 15 rounds.
  • Increase your resistance to a heavier level.
  • Do you have an exercise bike with an ergometer function? Then set a wattage within which you have to stay.
  • Train once at a distance. How many meters do you want to cover in those 2 or 3 minutes that you go full?

2. Endurance training: travel long distances
Endurance training is, as the name suggests, a long training. This is not at a high pace, but at a slower pace. Often it is said that you should be able to talk with ease and you should not be out of breath. This training schedule is suitable when you want to lose weight or improve your condition. You also benefit from this when you train for cycling long distances.

Endurance training on the exercise bike:
1. Warm-up: first cycle for 10 minutes at a comfortable pace. This is your warm-up.
2. Screw the resistor slightly upwards and find a tempo that feels good to you. You have to keep this pace for 45 minutes.
3. Finish again with 10 minutes of gentle cycling as cooling down.

Increase duration training on the exercise bike:
Will the training be very easy after a while? Usually, you change your schedule after 6 weeks:
  • Make your training longer. Do the training for 10 minutes.
  • Then choose a higher resistance. You normally cycle at resistance level 3. Then turn it once to 4.
3. Tempo training: cycling at high speed
Tempo training is a training where you focus on your speed. This is not a long distance, but more about the power that you provide. You do not focus here on time, but more on the distance. This training is suitable when you want to improve your condition. You can also improve your speed here. Determine for this training which distance you want to cover. This is a lot lower than the distance you cycle during endurance training.

Tempo training on the exercise bike:
1. Warm-up: first cycle for 10 minutes at a comfortable pace.
2. Cycle your predetermined distance (around 10 kilometers) in a high temporal the 15 kilometers per hour.
3. Cooling down: cycle for 10 minutes without resistance.

Temporary training on the exercise bike:
Will the training be very easy after a while? You simply increase the training by applying one of the following steps:
  • Increase your training by cycling 2 kilometers longer.
  • Throw your pace up. Try to do the same distance in a shorter time.
  • Train in heart rate zones. Stay in heart rate zone 3 or 4 during your fitness training.