Lose Weight Tips

Weight loss with the help of a diet is possible. But you also fall off when you make a few minor adjustments to your lifestyle. We give you tips to help you lose weight.

Set a concrete and feasible goal
A clear and achievable goal is just as important as eating less. Be aware of why you are going to eat differently. Then there is a good chance that you can keep full during difficult times. It is important that the goal is concrete and feasible. 'Lose weight' is not concrete enough, but determine how much you want to lose weight and in how much time. It is also important that the goal stays in your memory.

Move a lot
Only adjusting your diet is not enough. Exercise is an important part of losing weight. Research shows more and more often that as much exercise as possible is healthy throughout the day. So do not always pick up the phone, just drop by your colleague. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Do you want to start exercising? Build it up quietly. Are you ready for the real thing? Ask your doctor for advice.

Drink enough
Sometimes thirst is confused with hunger, so keep drinking enough. Water and tea are the best. As a guideline, the Health Council states that 70% of all the fluid that you get in one day has to come from drinks. For this, you need to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day on average. Sufficient fluid is important to keep urine production going and thus the discharge of waste products from the body. It is sometimes claimed that drinking a lot of water is 'detoxifying', but this is not based on scientific facts. A more practical guideline from the Health Council is to drink 3 cups of tea per day. Chances are that you are less likely to be tempted to drink sugar-rich drinks.

Tip for those who find water boring: put mint, cucumber, lemon or ginger in it. Drinking mineral or mineral water is not really necessary. Tap water is much cheaper and just as healthy.

Do not drink alcohol
The Health Council advises not to drink alcohol or at least not more than 1 glass per day. Alcohol removes the inhibition, so you can eat more than intended. In addition, there are also calories in alcohol.

Eat with attention
Do not eat too fast, you will miss the signal that you are full. Eating with attention makes you eat less. Eating for the TV is therefore not a good idea. The distraction ensures that you do not know if you have eaten enough.

A few more tips to eat less:

  • Taking small snacks and chewing well helps to eat more quietly and less. Extra advantage: small snacks increase the taste sensation, so you eat less.
  • On a small plate, the same portion seems larger than on a large plate. Your brain thinks you've eaten more.
  • The same applies to a colored board. The greater the contrast between the food and the plate, the larger the portion appears.

Do not do any shopping on an empty stomach
Are you going to go shopping hungry? Then chances are you will give in to all that goodies. Eat before you go to the store. Research shows that we put more calories in our shopping basket when we are hungry.

Keep track of what you eat in a day
Only when you know what you eat you can choose to change it. Weight loss starts with awareness. Keep every day what you eat in a food diary. This way you get a better understanding of what you eat and drink.

Do you often hunger between your meals? Eat enough protein with every meal, such as low-fat quark, egg, fish, or nuts and seeds. Proteins stay in the stomach longer than carbohydrates. This also gives you a full feeling for longer.

Get candy and snacks out of sight. The temptation is very big if you see this continuously. Covering with a napkin already helps. If you still want to sweat, put healthy alternatives in sight, such as snack tomatoes or carrots.

Choose healthy food
You may not be able to get rid of sugar or wheat, but it is not always possible to keep up for long. In addition, the exclusion of certain foods is not healthy. We need some nutrients every day and must therefore always be in the diet. Do you have a diet that adheres to the good nutrition guidelines, then you're fine.

Those who like to eat muesli in the morning can better keep the crispy muesli or cruesli. This contains a lot of sugar and/or honey. This is not in natural muesli.

Whole Grain
Multigrain sounds healthier than whole grain, but it is not always. Often multigrain bread is made largely from wheat flour, just like white bread. That the bread is brown is because manufacturers add burned malt. Pay attention to wholemeal flour in the bread, or opt for wholemeal bread.

Wholemeal bread has more fiber. Fibers provide a full feeling for a longer period of time so that you will probably eat less in between. In addition, eating with fiber has to be chewed longer. This makes you eat slower and often less.

Fresh coffee with milk
More than half of the instant cappuccino bags often consist of sugar. In a portion of soluble cappuccino, up to 4 grams of sugar can sit. There is a lot less sugar in a fresh cappuccino.

Clear soup
Bound soups are often made from a roux. A combination of (cream) butter and flour. As a result, bound soups often contain much more fat than clear soups. However, both types of soup from the supermarket are often a salt bomb. In self-making, you have that in your own hands.

Soft cheese
Cheese is classified according to the fat content in the dry matter, for example, 20+ or ​​48+. There is less water in hard cheese, which means that the fat percentage is higher than in soft cheese. An old 48+ gouge cheese, therefore, delivers more fat than a 55+ brie. Look carefully at the nutritional value on the packaging. 

Make your own spice mix
In ready-to-eat spice mixes for example minced meat, chicken, and fish, there is a lot of salt. You can easily make your own spice mixes.

Unpolished rice and wholemeal pasta
White rice and pasta saturate much less than brown rice and wholegrain pasty. There are also many more fibers and vitamins in unpolished rice and pasta in the whole grain variety.

Red sauce
Ready-made white sauces often contain a lot of fat. The fat percentage is a lot lower in red sauce. They are made from thickened tomato paste. Note the sugar content.

Tomato juice
A healthy image sticks to orange juice. In orange juice is indeed a lot of vitamin C, but also a lot of sugar. Choose your tomato juice instead of orange juice, then you get as many vitamins but a lot less sugar inside.

Fresh fruit
Fruit layer is not much more than sugar with a color and flavor. Real fruit on bread is better. There is also sugar in it, but it also contains vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Moreover, it fills better.