How Can Women Lose Weight More Fast Than Men?

Women lose weight more fast than men. Women can read and hear this all too often, but can not they do something about it? Of course, there are big differences between a male body and the body of women. Thus men naturally have more muscle mass and their metabolism works harder. Women, on the other hand, have more fat mass and they are often smaller, making their metabolism a bit slower. Anyway, what can women do, not in terms of results, for the men?

Women versus men
For many women, the struggle around their weight can be quite frustrating. This compared to the seeming ease with which men deal with it. "You can also eat anything", women often say to their husbands. "I just have to look at it and I'm already coming." Where is it that men can lose weight faster than women? And not only that, but also that they arrive less quickly? This has to do with physical and psychological aspects and the role women play in most families.

The physical aspects
Men have more muscle mass, are often larger in size and therefore have a faster metabolism. Muscle mass burns more calories as fat mass. As a result, men automatically burn more calories. In addition, the man's body is often larger than that of women, and it requires more energy - reading food. Most of these calories just burn the man.

After all, women have more fat mass. A woman consists of approximately 25% of body fat. You do not change much here. When there is overweight, that percentage is higher. Fat mass burns 10 times fewer calories when muscle mass does. Because the female body is usually smaller than that of the man, it requires less energy. That is why the man can usually eat more.

The psychological aspects
Men generally set goals and get to work with them. When a man wants to lose weight, he makes a plan and executes it. If a man commits to a certain target weight, he will consume fewer calories every day (eat less and eat) and make sure that he burns more calories every day (more exercise).

Women also do this, but they are often tempted into behavior that does not lead to them achieving their goal. They often allow themselves to be led by emotions, or they take too much account of others, so their own plan gets messed up. This may be due to the fact that women are often more socialized as men.

The social aspect often plays an important role. For example, women go to the gym or go jogging a few times a week, but women often do so together with a friend. Because of this, there is a chance that coziness will dominate and that the hour of physical exercise will change into an hour of cozy chatting.

Distribution of roles in the family
Women, despite a few decades of feminism and participation, often provide food for the family. Of course, the role of the man in the household has changed, but women generally do the shopping and prepare the meal. Because you come into contact with food a lot, there is a chance that you eat something extra. And that can turn on.

Simple habits such as a biscuit with coffee, a candy for your child when it comes home (and so you take something), or a glass of soda can already lead to an extra calorie intake of about 300 calories a day. That is about 15% of the number of calories that the average woman needs daily.

Just calculate how many calories you give per week and per month:

(300 calories x 7) = 2,100 calories per week and thus (2,100 x 4) = 8,400 calories per month.
Many of those extra calories are stored as body fat. 1-kilo body fat gives you about 7,500 calories of energy. So that 8,400 calories translates into more than 1-kilo increase in body weight, in 1 month.

You see them at your stomach, your legs, your buttocks and... "Yes, stop"! I think you have the picture for you. What can you do about it?

What can you do?
Now you have heard enough. High time to move on to the theme; What can women do to lose weight just as much as men?

1. Healthy eating and drinking
Lose weight is almost impossible without eating healthy and exercising enough. This applies to both men and women. By healthy eating I mean, not too many carbohydrates and unprocessed foods such as beans, legumes, lentils, chickpeas, vegetables, fruit, nuts, whole grains, chicken, fish and fresh herbs. This is just for sale at the greengrocer, the butcher and possibly at the fresh departments of the supermarket.

In addition, you can drink a lot of green tea. In general, women drink less coffee than men and more tea. Green tea stimulates your metabolism, causing you to burn more calories unnoticed. Do not expect miracles because it only stimulates a little, but well, every bit helps.

If you drink too much coffee, then you have the chance that the level of cortisol rises. Cortisol is a neurotransmitter that ensures that energy is stored in your fat cells. In other words, cortisol is likely to increase your fat mass. Cortisol is also produced if you experience prolonged stress. Also by sleeping enough, you limit the level of cortisol in your body.

Supplements to lose weight
There are a number of supplements that support weight loss and help you lose more and faster. A fat burner is supportive of losing weight. This way it increases the metabolism and reduces your hunger.

Which fat burner can you use to really lose weight?

Meal replacements
A good meal veggie can help you lose weight, but in most of them, there are many sugars and additives that are of no use to you!

Which meal replacement can you use best?

If you want to lose weight quickly, a good metabolism is necessary. Carnitine plays a very important role in digestion. Fat can only be burned when it comes into contact with Carnitine. So if you have a shortage of Carnitine, fat is not burned and you become too fat. Even when you get older, the body makes less carnitine. Furthermore, each body is different and one produces more and the other less L-Carnitine. If you want to lose weight quickly, it is wise to take extra L-Carnitine.

2. Movement
Physical exercise is particularly effective in achieving your goal weight. Especially strength training is very effective. Many women find strength training typically something for men, but as mentioned earlier, muscle mass burns up to 10x more calories as body fat. A kilo of muscle needs 100 calories daily, a kilogram of body fat only burns 10 calories a day.

You do not have to worry that you will get a monstrously muscular appearance if you put a year in the weights. In any case, women have less talent for developing gigantic muscle masses as men. And besides that, these gigantic muscular bodies of bodybuilders are the result of years of hard training sessions of several hours a day and a very balanced diet.

An advantage of strength training for women may be that you become much slimmer. A kilo of muscle (which burns about 100 calories a day) takes up about 4x less space than a kilo of body fat. By exchanging your fat mass for muscle mass, you become slimmer. Another advantage of strength training is the afterburn effect. This effect occurs after you have trained. During the approximately 48 hours, your body will burn extra calories as a result of strength training.

What is also very effective, when you want to burn a lot of calories, is interval training. These trainings are usually heavy and are therefore not always popular with women. Anyway, they serve a purpose.

If you are not so sporty, you can also turn to moderately intensive exercise. With this type of movement, you can think of walking, cycling, household chores and all forms of movement that you can sustain for a long time. During a walk, you burn up to 200 to 250 calories per hour.

3. Stick to the plan
Finally, it is important to set goals and stay with your plan. Carry out your plan! And with that everything is actually said. Losing weight is not a social activity, achieving your ideal weight requires time and effort. You will meet your friends later when you lose those pounds.