Lose Weight And Living Healthier With Juicing

Lose weight juicing - If you find it difficult to eat enough vegetables (just like me) then juicing is a very good way to improve your health and get more vegetables. If you drink a freshly squeezed juice, your body will receive an enormous amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that it can absorb directly.

Why would you juice?
When you start juicing vegetables and fruit, you squeeze out all the juice. This leaves a drink with all micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals from the vegetables and/or fruit. Because the fibers are separated from the juice, it is easier to consume a lot of vegetables. Take a juice with the following ingredients:
  • 300 grams of spinach
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 5 roots
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1 apple
This will give you about a liter (!) Of juice that you can drink easily. To eat this amount of vegetables, you're just busy... With juicing it is therefore much easier to consume (much more) vegetables and take advantage of the health benefits that vegetables offer you!

Because you can make a mix of different vegetables and that way you can determine the taste you can also juice vegetables that you would not normally eat or do not like. With juices, you can, therefore, provide a more varied diet.
Because the juice no longer contains fibers, nobody needs to do more work to absorb the nutrients. Your body can absorb the nutrients super fast.
If you have children, juicing is a good way to let your child (ren) eat more vegetables and fruit. Children find it super fun to make a juice together. Make sure the juice is sufficiently sweet and give it a nice name and your child (ren) drink it all!
A good juice is also simply delicious!

What does a juice do for your health?
  1. Lose fat
  2. Increase your resistance
  3. Get more energy
Vegetables are good for your resistance and energy. A juice already contains more vegetables than the recommended daily amount. So it is a natural boost for your resistance and energy level!

As long as you do not put too much fruit in your juice (90% vegetables and 10% fruit), your juice contains few calories and sugar and lots of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. This can have a positive effect on your weight.

Do not I need fiber than?
Fibers are part of a varied diet and ensure a healthy digestion, good bowel function, and a full feeling after a meal. Fibers are sufficient for a normal diet. It is, therefore, no problem that the juice does not contain fiber. Many juicers come with different sieves. If you choose a sieve with larger holes, you get more 'pulp' and more fiber in your juice.

Juicing tips
  • Ensure a good ratio of fruit and vegetables. Fruit contains a lot of (fruit) sugar. When you process a lot of fruit in your juice, your juice contains a lot of sugar. And drinking a lot of sugar is not good. Therefore ensure a good ratio of vegetables and fruit in your juice. Try to ensure that 80% to 90% of your juice consists of vegetables. Optionally add 10 to 20% fruit for the taste.
  • Juice is not a substitute for eating fruit and vegetables. See it as a supplement. Still, try to eat 2 ounces of vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit.
  • Wash all ingredients carefully. Bacteria can sit on unwashed products.
  • Do not wait too long to clean the juicer. The longer you wait the more difficult the cleaning becomes. The remains of the vegetables and fruit than cake in the juicer. You can also throw a few glasses into the juicer immediately after the juice is ready and let the juicer run. With this, you can already rinse a lot of residues out of the juicer.
  • Making a juice takes quite some time. That's why I always make a double portion. One for that moment and one for the day after. That saves time!
Lose weight with juicing
You can quickly lose weight with juices in different ways. A way that is now fairly popular and you see fat, sick and nearly dead in the film is juice fastening or 'juice reboot'. With a juice reboot, you do not eat solid food but you only drink juice. In the film, Joe does this for 60 days! After the 60 days, Joe loses 45 kilos and a lot of belly fat and he does not have to take any medication. A super result, of course, but in my opinion a fairly extreme way to lose weight.

You can also do it a bit less extreme but still lose weight with juicing. Just replace one meal a day with a large juice. If you really want to lose weight, you can replace two meals with a juice. But in this way, you still eat solid food. It is so nice for your metabolism ...

You can lose weight with juices but you can also look at healthy eating and lose weight. It depends on what you think is a nice way to lose weight.