How Many Calories Intake Per Day To Lose Weight? Calculator for Woman & Man

Do you know how much calories intake a day you need (to lose weight)? Below you will find BMR calculator, which stands for Basal Metabolism / Metabolism Rate.

In short, you can use the BMR to calculate your daily calorie requirement. These are the required calories that your body burns in the rest position to get enough energy. Think of necessary life processes such as breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation and all other processes that always go on in idle mode.

How many calories per day?
As a rule, a healthy woman needs an average of 2,000 calories a day and a man 2,500 calories. The big problem is that most people are not average.

How many calories per day woman?
As a rule, a healthy woman needs an average of 2,000 calories per day. The big problem is that most women are not average.

How many calories per day man?
As a rule, a healthy man needs an average of 2,500 calories per day. The big problem is that most men are not average.

How many calories per day burn to lose weight?
If you want to burn 1 kilo of body fat, that is equivalent to approximately 7700 calories (kcal). If you eat 500 calories less every day than you burn, in theory, you lose 1 kilo of fat per 2 weeks.

In short, you first need to know what you burn per day before you can calculate when you are going to lose weight. Then you also have to take into account the fact that counting calories are half the story of losing weight.

Does the amount of calories per day have to do with excess weight?
Some diet gurus say that the amount of calories has nothing to do with overweight. That is in any case great nonsense, which I am not going to proclaim myself here either.

For example, you have studies that clearly show that if you consume too many calories, you increase in weight and BMI.

So just eat fewer calories a day to lose weight?
Well, it's not that simple ...
Because of this, some people are completely blind to counting on calories, while being busy with calories is only half the story to lose weight.

Calories can mislead you and become obsessive about it, leading to failed slimming attempts.

There are five reasons for not staring blindly at counting calories. These are:

Reason # 1: calories can deceive you and your health
Reason # 2: one calorie is not the other calorie (huh ?!)
Reason # 3: low-calorie products can also be fattening
Reason # 4: the number of calories does not say anything about their inclusion
Reason # 5: slim people do not count their calories

How many calories contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
If you look at the three macronutrients, or the fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, they contain different amounts of calories per gram.

Here are the calories per macronutrient:
  • Protein: ± 4 kcal per 1 gram
  • Carbohydrates: ± 4 kcal per 1 gram
  • Fats: ± 9 kcal per 1 gram
If you look at these numbers, you will soon think: "Let me put those fats". But here people often go wrong.

I even recommend people to eat more fats. I am talking about the healthy fats, which contain a lot of omega 3 fatty acids. These have the following advantages:
  • Decrease your cortisol level, or stress
  • Stimulate the fat burning so that you decrease your fat percentage
  • Suppress the hunger feeling
Since we eat too many carbohydrates in Western societies, you should partially replace them with more healthy fats.