Lose Weight Fast Tips And Tricks

If you want to lose weight fast 25 kilos, then it is very important that you choose the right approach and do not fool yourself. And of course, this also applies if you want to lose 2 or 5 or 10 kilos. I will give you 7 tips and tricks here to ensure that you do lose weight successfully:

Tip 1: Stop with diets based on juices, powders, and shakes
Do yourself a favor and stop with diets based on juices, powders, and shakes. Such as the Cambridge diet, Herbalife or a waste treatment from the chemist. Put the idea out of your head that you will become slim again by starving and replacing your meals with artificial products full of chemicals. That is not how it works and this is an example of a lack of knowledge.

By dieting in this way you fall off in the first instance, but as you have noticed, you do not keep it full.

After a while, you become fatter again than before because you have not learned to eat healthily and because your metabolism is becoming increasingly disturbed. It is also very bad for your health. So get away with the quick diets, slimming pills and meal shakes.

Tip 2: Change your habits
What does it work? The only method that really works in the long term is to adjust your lifestyle. What do I mean by that? By that, I mean that you really start working with yourself and step by step transform your unhealthy habits into healthy habits that suit you.

I mention a few examples that I often encounter in my practice. If you are used to drinking a wine every night, you can, for example, employ yourself to drink only 1 glass of wine a week.

If you are used to snacking in the evening, you can start to unlearn it. And so there are dozens of small habits that you can improve without starving.

It is about discovering habits that you can improve for yourself. That can be difficult at first. But if your goal is strong enough, with a really good reason why you want to lose weight, you can change habits. It succeeds everyone who really goes for it. You can change any custom if you really want to.

By looking at it like that, you automatically come to a realistic goal. So to what extent are you willing to change your habits? The more and faster your unhealthy habits change, the more and faster you will lose weight.

Tip 3: Forget about the scales
If you want to lose weight fast 25 kilos without a good approach, you think about what you should not eat all day long. You are also likely to be on the scale every day. This all gives you a lot of stress and it ensures that you quickly lose courage when you get something new.

It is therefore much better to store the scales and to focus on developing a healthy lifestyle with healthy habits. You learn to trust your own body, you see in the mirror how you lose weight and you notice that your clothes fit better.

And most importantly: if you stick to your healthy habits you know that weight loss comes naturally, that is no different.

Tip 4: Make sure you are better informed
I notice that many people who want to lose weight fast do not have a good idea of ​​what a healthy lifestyle actually is. Almost everyone who comes along finds that she or he eats reasonably healthy. But when I look at the food diary, I see so many unhealthy products.

Activia, Leagues, fresh orange juice, fruit juices, light soft drinks, Sultanas, cup-a-soup, crackers, optimal, Kellogg's, bevel. Well, if you've read my nutrition special, you know what I mean. These are all fat makers, while you may think you are falling off from advertising.

"Can not I eat anything more?"

People who want to lose weight are often afraid that they will not be allowed to eat anything tasty. That is one of the biggest misunderstandings I come across. And one of the best-known ways to sabotage yourself.

Because of course, it is not at all, on the contrary. You only ensure that your taste changes and that your choices are more balanced.

"I already eat so little!"

Usually, it also appears that people who want to lose weight fast eat too little, the wrong products and at the wrong time. I often hear " Yes, but I eat so little! "And nine of the ten times that is true.

I teach people to eat more, but then tasty, healthy products in the right proportions and at the right time. By adjusting your food and your behavior, you are busy with love for yourself and you look to the future.

Tip 5: Write it down
If your diet fails after two weeks, the reason may be that you have eaten too little for two weeks and are so hungry that your body intervenes and makes you eat something. But it may also be that you have not made clear enough for yourself why you really want to lose weight.

I am not a psychologist, but I can give you a method to take this barrier. This method is very practical, not floaty. Buy a notebook and carry it with you for the next four weeks. In that script, you first write down why you want to lose weight fast.

Then you write your thoughts away from you every day and learn to see where it is and where you want to change your habits. This way you remind yourself every day of your own motivation to lose weight fast and that can help you at difficult times.

Tip 6: Take the time
Be nice to yourself and do not ask to lose 25 kilos in a few weeks. You just will not succeed and just by setting such an unrealistic goal you create the failure in advance. Those kilos have not come in a few weeks either.

Instead, accept that you need a longer time to get your body back in shape. See it more as a marathon than as a short sprint. Concentrate on every step and make sure you adjust your habits.

Then the weight loss comes naturally. Set your goals small and feasible and never in the number of kilos that you want to lose weight, but always in an action that you can influence yourself.

Tip 7: Set 21-day action goals
An incorrectly formulated goal is, for example, "I want to lose 5 kilos before the end of the month". That seems to be a very clear goal, but the problem is that you do not have 100% control over it and you can not link concrete measurable action to it. That is why your brain cannot do much with this and quickly hits your target in the background.

A better approach is to translate your goal from 5 kilos to measurable actions. A much better wording is: "I want to lose 5 kilos, which is why I make healthy breakfast every day for the next 21 days".

Do you see the difference? Exactly how much you waste cannot be estimated in advance, but every day healthy breakfast is completely in your hands. Go set your goals this way.

And then make it concrete immediately, by writing down for the coming week what your breakfast looks like. Make healthy choices and do not eat the same every morning, apply variation.

Scientific research shows that you can successfully change your habits in this way. On average, you need 21 days to change a habit. That is not much at all, so try it. Then you will notice that you can keep on losing weight and that it is very fun and motivating to do.