How To Lose Weight For A Woman Quickly?

Many women begin to follow drastic diets by starving themselves to lose weight as quickly as possible. By following these forms of diet you ensure that all the water and all your muscle mass disappears from your body.

Without good habits to avoid that you encounter the same problem in the future. When you make changes in your personal diet and add more exercise, you will be able to enjoy the lasting results of losing weight.

Realize that you have to lose weight in the long run. And not directly in one go. Be patient, because in women, losing weight is slower compared to men. This is due to the differences in hormones and in metabolism. Make sure you have a goal in mind. Whether you want to lose 2 kilos or 20 kilos, that does not matter.

Set your goal before you begin. Make sure that the more you want to lose weight the longer it will last and the lower the calorie deficit per day may be.

When you want to lose 20 pounds for example and you put together a diet of 1,200 Kcal you will lose weight very quickly. But it will take months before you reach the desired weight. Be aware that it will be hard months.

It is precisely for this reason that it is recommended that the calorie deficit in such projects is not too high. Start with a diet between 1,500 Kcal and 1,800 Kcal per day.

That will extend the process even more, but it will be easier to sustain than a diet of 1,200 Kcal. Women who want to lose just a few kilos can easily follow such a diet for 2 weeks. But for longer than that, almost no one is full. And that is also not recommended for the body.

How to lose weight for a woman #Step 1
Write everything you eat on paper. You can also create a kind of diary with what you eat every day. That can double the number of kilos that you will lose weight.

Also, write down what feelings you experience while eating the meal. This is because women, unlike men, are more emotional eaters.

In order to discover emotional switches, you may think of a solution other than eating a snicker with the particular emotion, for example, this can help you to make weight loss less difficult.

It is not only good to discover emotional switches. You can also learn from it, discover new recipes by combining with other food products from your diary. You can also see when you have made the most progress. Or just when you were most hungry, after eating that particular food product.

For anyone who is serious about losing weight, it is necessary to write down what you eat. Do not forget to mention which drinks you have drunk during the day. Drinks such as fruit juice also contain calories. When you spend three months losing weight you can never remember what you ate two months ago. Thanks to the diary, you know everything from Day 1.

How to lose weight for a woman #Step 2
Try to reduce the number of calories you consume every day. Do not be afraid to eat too much fat or carbohydrates because the downward scaling of calories always results in weight loss.

A good start can be by banishing all fast sugars from your diet. Fast sugars are widely present in ordinary pasta, white rice, potatoes, soft drinks.

Try replacing it with whole grains, the whole-grain variety. These are dark colored pasta and rice varieties. Try to eat fewer potatoes. Take care of a large number of proteins in your diet, which you get from meat products such as chicken and turkey or from different types of fish. Nuts and seeds can also be used in your diet. Nuts and seeds have the advantage that they quickly give a full feeling.

They contain almost all the nutrients you need to get through the day in a healthy way such as high-quality carbohydrates, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals, vitamins and fibers.

However, the disadvantage of nuts and seeds is that they contain a lot of calories and you do not eat too large portions of them. If you want to lose weight as a woman you have to try to go to 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day. That way you will stimulate your weight loss enormously. It depends, of course, on the amount of weight you want to lose.

The more weight you want to lose, the more calories you have to eat per day. 1,200 to 1,500 Kcal per day is for an average diet. If you want more than 10 kg weight loss you better switch to 1,500 to 1,600 Kcal per day. If you want to become slimmer, you better opt for 1,800 Kcal per day. That will make you lose weight more slowly but will keep your motivation to keep losing weight standing.

How to lose weight for a woman #Step 3
Make sure that every calorie is also healthy food. Make sure you eat three portions of fruit every day and consume enough vegetables. Fruits with less sugar are therefore better suited such as apple, strawberries, berries, lemon juice. In short, the fruits that taste the least sweet are the lowest in sugar.

Eating full grains and lean proteins will give you a full feeling in the stomach.

This makes it possible to eat fewer calories, but still, experience that feeling of satiety in the stomach. So you can lose weight. Proteins and fibers need a longer time to metabolize. That makes you even less hungry after eating such foods. This reduces the chance that you will get hungry in a cookie or a snack.

You can best serve whole grains during breakfast and perhaps during lunch. But not for the evening meal. Choose dark water-rich vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli. Look for proteins with little to no saturated fatty acids such as chicken without skin or fish. Other examples are turkey and all white meats.

For fish, choose the best for salmon or mackerel. Because these fish species are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and give you that full feeling very quickly.

If you do not like this, you can eat cod as well. Be careful with dressings for the salad because they are high in calories because of the fats, which is not good if you want to lose weight. Of course, a little is not bad. But limit the amount.

A smooth oil contains more than 100 calories. Too much would again disrupt the plans to lose weight. Keep these oils certainly in the diary. As I said, 1 tablespoon is already 1/15 of your daily amount of calories. Do not forget to include them in your calculation.

How to lose weight for a woman #Step 4
Prepare your meals yourself. Studies have already shown that when you cook yourself, you usually cook healthier. This means that you prepare a complete meal yourself and do not buy ready meals in the supermarket.

You know exactly what you prepare and what you have incorporated into it. Which oil or the amount of salt you used and so on. Try to avoid restaurants because you do not know what is on your plate. In many meals, ingredients are added to boost the taste. Often full of sugar or salt.

You want to avoid this if you want to lose weight. Do not mirror the eating habits of your friend or husband. Men can eat more calories because their bodies are different and because they have a different working metabolism.

Prepare healthy recipes at home and take home healthy snacks from the supermarket so you are not tempted to eat cookies or a snicker. Reduce the use of salt and saturated fatty acids as well as fast sugars. This helps to make the digestive tract swell less.

How to lose weight for a woman #Step 5
Do not skip meals. Skipping a meal may make you think that you will lose weight faster. The opposite is true, however.

You build that hunger and the next meal will simply eat more than usual. Eat 3 meals a day of about 3 to 400 calories and maybe 2 small healthy snacks of 100 to 150 calories.

You can replace a meal with a protein shake. The advantage of this is that you will not be hungry for a longer period of time because the high number of proteins gives a saturated feeling, which lasts for a long time.

Do not try to fast longer than 4 hours. A common problem with people who are overweight is that they skip breakfast. Making them eat more during the day. Do not skip breakfast. Eat a boiled egg during breakfast. A hearty breakfast will make you want to eat less during the day. A good breakfast consists of full grain flakes with a piece of fruit, a glass of skimmed milk and an egg.

Another advantage of eating a strong breakfast is that you will immediately start the combustion. Your metabolism has started to slow down during sleep. When you take a hearty breakfast after standing up, the metabolism will be forced to take action. That means that from the moment you wake up you will begin to burn energy.

How to lose weight for a woman #Step 6
Try to move more during the day. Plan your day so that you burn more calories during the day without going to the gym. For example, you can take a walk during the lunch break, clean up the house, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Or take a walk while you wait for the children during the football training.

How to lose weight for a woman #Step 7
Provide movement for 60 minutes 3 to 5 times per week. You may be able to walk with friends. Or just a quick walk. The most important point in movement is that you begin to perspire from what you do. That makes you burn a lot of calories and ensures a healthier functioning of the heart.

If you are afraid that you will have too little time for the children, you can take a walk or walk with your child or children. You can make a bike ride together on Sunday. There is always a solution to make more time available for movement.

How to lose weight for a woman #Step 8
Be aware how your life determines whether or not you can lose weight and whether or not that will be easy. As it gets older, and especially during menopause, the metabolism starts to work slower.

What makes losing weight more and more difficult, that means that more effort will have to be made to achieve the same results during weight loss. It takes 9 months for a baby to get his weight.

Know that losing that weight will also take some time. Do not put too strict demands on yourself. Be realistic and do not try to lose more than 2 kg per month. That is relatively easy to maintain average.

Pay attention to slimming
When you think that your overweight and slimming problems can be related to a poorly functioning thyroid gland or other medical problems. Then talk to your doctor about it. He can then give more information about the situation with a blood test. And can you give further tips on how you can best lose weight?

It is also normal that the weight can always fluctuate from a half to a full kilogram. Especially during menstruation. But after a week of weight loss, you should already see results. However, it is not advisable to try to lose more than one and a half kilograms per week.

Also, make sure you do not skip meals and use protein shakes instead. Skipping meals will slow down the metabolism. The use of protein shakes will stimulate the metabolism because the digestive system has to process a large number of calories at once. They will also give the stomach a full feeling immediately and will not cause hunger for a few hours. Protein shakes are excellent to combine to recover faster after exercise.