Lose Weight Fast In 2 Weeks

Lose weight fast in 2 weeks - Losing 5 pounds in 2 weeks is much easier than you think. If you go on a Crash Diet you lose those pounds in no time. A Crash Diet is fast and efficient, but it is stressful for your body. You also run a great risk of recovering the lost pounds after a Crash Diet.

If you want to lose weight 5 pounds in 2 weeks, you should, therefore, know how to best deal with this. A few steps are important here, including picking up a healthy diet after the end of the diet. This article gives you those steps that will help you to lose those pounds in a healthy and enjoyable way and to maintain long-term results.


First of all, I will briefly explain to you how a Crash Diet works. For a detailed description see this article . With a Crash Diet you have to eat as little as possible. Because you eat so little, your body receives fewer calories than its energy needs, which means that you will burn fat. In addition to fat, you also lose a lot of fluid with this diet.

The disadvantage of this diet, however, is in the period after the end of the diet. During the diet, your body is used to low calories and has compensated with a slower metabolism (metabolism). This slower metabolism is also still active after the end of the diet. If you then eat a lot again, the body will store most of the calories as fat .

With a Crash Diet, you can lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks but you do not keep a long-lasting result.

If you also want to maintain long-lasting results, follow these 7 simple steps to keep your metabolism going.


1. Movement
Make sure you exercise sufficiently after the diet. You can lose weight by running or swimming and losing weight but you can also walk through your neighborhood or the nearby nature for a good half an hour to an hour. Another fun activity is kicking a ball with the kids.

If you are not really an outdoorsman you can register at a gym for cardio or fun group lessons. Nowadays all kinds of group lessons are available. Chances are you will encounter a lesson that you like. Another, less fun, but very efficient movement is cleaning your house. With that you immediately kill two birds with one stone.

2. Cultivate muscles
Muscle mass consumes more energy than fat mass. If you convert fat mass in your body to muscle mass, you will burn calories faster. In addition, it gives a nice feeling to have tight and stronger muscles.

Growing exercise and muscles are the easiest to get together in a gym. For example, start running on the treadmill or cycling on one of the bikes. Then you do exercises with loose dumbbells to strengthen your muscles. Weightlifting helps both your muscles and weight loss. After training your muscles you will still burn fat!

Even if you only go to the gym once a week, you will feel a lot stronger and fitter after a few weeks.

3. Reduce sugar intake
It is unnecessary to eat too much sugar. Sugar is extremely unhealthy and does not contain any vitamin, mineral or fiber. Your body does need glucose but is able to get it out of carbohydrates yourself. You do not have to give your body extra sugar.

Everyone knows that soft drinks are not good for you and that you should keep their consumption as low as possible. Therefore replace all sugary drinks with water. You can also make less and less sugar in your coffee and tea. You will notice that it automatically starts to get used to.

4. More often eating
Because you eat so little with a Crash Diet your metabolism slows down. To avoid the yo-yo effect, you need to speed up your metabolism again. Here you start during the Crash Diet by eating more often , about 7 times a day. By eating more often, your metabolism is constantly in operation to burn fat.

5. Eat healthy and natural products
By eating natural products your metabolism will work harder. Unnatural products contain few minerals and vitamins, so your liver will convert few calories for further use in your blood stream. As a result, your metabolism less often comes into effect and you will eventually burn less fat.

6. More omega 3
Omega-3 balances blood sugar levels and reduces inflammation which helps to regulate your metabolism. Omega-3 can also help with resistance to the leptin hormone which researchers have linked to how quickly you burn fat.

Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and herring contain many healthy omega-3 fats. It is recommended to eat fish two to three times a week. If you do not like fish, you can take omega 3 supplements, about 1000 to 2000 mg per day. Pay attention to the amount of EPA / DHA in the capsules, because the quality in capsules varies enormously.

7. Go for green tea
Green tea is best known for the antioxidants. But in addition to these healthy anti-inflammatory antioxidants, green tea also contains catechins. A study showed that subjects who consumed at least 625 mg catechins from green tea had more weight loss after 12 weeks than the control group. The decrease in total abdominal fat and subcutaneous abdominal fat was also greater among those who drank green tea. Both groups, however, moved three times a week with moderate intensity.

If you take a cup of green tea in the evening, you will fall asleep later. Green tea contains theanins which have a relaxing effect. Ideal for promoting your sleep. Green tea is also often used for weight loss.

Sufficient tips so to lose healthy 5 pounds in 2 weeks. These tips will help you to maintain or even improve the result!

What do you think is the best way to lose a lot of weight in 2 weeks? Do you have any additional tips that have worked well for you?