Obesity Rate In America
Although the United States prides itself on one of the richest countries and the more developed the world trends for the health of the nation - especially when it comes to obesity, have a different story to tell. Modernization has its problems, and the United States seems to be the best example of it. Modern lifestyle - typically characterized by a poor diet and lethargic lifestyle has made Americans overweight, and therefore vulnerable to various diseases and conditions associated with excessive weight gain. If the data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is to believe it, about 33 percent of Americans are obese today. The CDC also reported that childhood obesity has tripled in the last three decades - which refers to the fact that obesity in children is much more serious than we think. You must understand that obesity differs from being overweight - and that is a precondition for obesity. Basically, a person with a body mass index (BMI) between 20 and 30 becomes overweight, while a person with a BMI higher than 30 is known as being obese.
Facts And Figures Alarming
Unhealthy food more sedentary equals obesity - is a simple comparison that Americans seem to have forgotten in recent years, after which the United States is cast as one of the main contenders for the title of the thickest country in the world.
- According to statistics of obesity in the United States gathered in recent decades, the rate of obesity in the United States has risen from 15 percent before 1980 to 33 percent today, and then the huge change in American lifestyle in the years 1980 and 1990 are considered a major cause of obesity in the United States.
- West Virginia with 37.7 percent of the population be troubled with obesity leading the list of states fatter in the US, followed closely by Mississippi and Alabama, with the obesity rate of 37.3 percent and 35.7 percent.
- As of 2009, only two states - Colorado and the District of Columbia, have obesity under the sign of 20 percent, while 33 states have rates above the cape of 25 percent obesity.
- As far as the thickest place in America is concerned, Corpus Christi (Texas) leads the table respectively followed by Charleston (West Virginia) and El Paso (Texas) in positions 2 and 3.
- Children's obesity statistics also show that about 70 percent of children who are obese are more likely to develop obesity-related illnesses in the next phase of his life. Unfortunately, people are still not aware of this.
- A recent study on the causes of obesity in children has shown that an average American child is exposed to more than 10,000 food advertisements on TV - most ads of unhealthy foods with high fat and sugar content.
- The obesity teams in America (2010) show that the total number of obese children in Hawaii combined twice the number of obese children in all other US states.
- Health experts believe that eating more than 2000 calories a day is harmful to health. Now that's the number of calories consumed when he's on average Burger King meal - consisting of a hamburger and fries.
- One of the most horrific conditions associated with obesity osteoarthritis. Studies show that the chance of someone developing osteoarthritis increases by as much as 13 percent for every 2 kilos of weight gain.
- In terms of ethnicity, the prevalence of obesity among blacks and Hispanics is in comparison with whites. Also, the prevalence of this problem is more in the South and the Midwest of the United States, compared to the West and the Northeast.