Ways To Lose Weight Fast

You can to lose weight fast in countless ways. For example, some people choose to follow a crash diet or take pills. Others are extremely fanatic sports. Often these methods do not yield the desired result. The less intrusive things you can do to lose weight are usually much better. So you can quickly lose weight by making several small or just a few major adjustments in your diet.

You can read what these adjustments look like on this page. You can also read here why low-carb food works as well as you want to lose weight quickly.

Fast weight loss? Remove bread, pasta, and rice
Removing carbohydrates as much as possible is the most effective way to quickly lose weight. This means that in principle you can best leave all bread, pasta, rice, cookies, sweets and cereals available.

What should you eat instead of bread or pasta? Some suggestions:

  • Eggs; for example 2 boiled eggs, a scrambled egg or an omelet.
  • Low-fat yoghurt with nuts and a little red fruit (no cruesli!)
  • Cottage cheese smoothie. Mix quark, banana and a little water in the blender. Also replace banana with other fruit.
Note: cottage cheese and yogurt are non-Paleo. Paleo breakfasts can be found here.

Good lunch for quick fat loss
  • A well-filled farmer's omelet (with mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions, for example), possibly with a half avocado for extra filling.
  • A large meal salad with many different vegetables and fish, chicken, nuts and/or seeds.
  • Stir-fry vegetables (from the freezer or fresh) with some meat or fish.
  • Vegetable with guacamole and/or hummus. For example carrot or cucumber.
Healthy dinner
  • Self-cooking is important
  • Provide a good basis for meat or fish. In principle, you can eat all kinds of meat and fish, but the following products are preferred:
  1. Fish; fatty fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel.
  2. Meat; preferably lean beef (but in moderation) or poultry such as chicken or turkey (always good).
  • Replace your pasta or rice for more vegetables and a little more meat. Also adding some nuts can help to lose weight quickly.
  • In addition, you can replace rice or pasta with a legume of your choice. The Indian and Mexican cuisine contains many good dishes. Look here for inspiration.
Note: if you follow Paleo in the strictest way, you can not eat legumes in principle. In this case, you better eat more vegetables and possibly add some nuts and seeds for extra filling.

This way of 'dieting' works best if you choose a few meals and prepare them again and again. It may be boring, but if you keep the result in mind, it has to be done. See also the page about protein rich foods for more recipes and ideas.

Why remove bread, pasta, and rice if you want to lose weight quickly?
Bread, pasta, and rice are sources of fast carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates have the annoying property of being quickly absorbed into your blood and leading to large fluctuations in your blood sugar level. These fluctuations in your blood cannon level make you hungry and stay, even after the meal. In addition, eating fast carbohydrates leads to the release of hormones that stimulate the storage of fat. Exactly what you do not want if you want to lose weight.

Vegetables are always good
The aforementioned alternatives to bread, pasta and rice contain many slow carbohydrates that are absorbed into the blood less quickly than fast carbohydrates. This keeps the blood sugar level more stable and you will suffer less from a hungry feeling. More importantly, however, is that the alternatives are all rich in protein and / or dietary fiber. Both of these nutrients have been scientifically proven several times to suppress appetite and to be very satiating. Proteins also keep blood sugar levels stable. These properties are favorable if you want to lose weight. You eat less with a protein-rich diet that is rich in fiber, you are less hungry and you stimulate your fat metabolism.

An example: Imagine replacing your pasta for extra vegetables and a bit more meat. You replace the fast carbohydrates from the pasta for slow carbohydrates from the vegetables. In addition, you get more protein through the meat and up to twice as much dietary fiber. Your blood sugar remains stable due to the slow carbohydrates, which contributes to a feeling of satiety. In addition, the greater amount of protein and dietary fiber ensure that you remain saturated for longer. So you get hungry again much less quickly after the meal!

Note: If you eat a lot of carbohydrates now (snacks and pasta, rice, wraps, etc.), you will probably become very lifeless if you switch directly to the above diet! You, therefore, do well to initially start by changing for example only breakfast.

Other tips to lose weight quickly
  • No more sweet and salty snacks and snacks.
Throw or give away what you have in the house and get nothing more in the supermarket (with children often impracticable, then you will have to be strong). Choose healthy and lean snacks. Be careful with fruit, preferably do not eat more than 1 or 2 pieces per day because of the many sugars in fruit.
  • Eat slowly.
Not for the TV / PC but preferably at the table. The hunger feeling disappears only 20 minutes after the start of the meal, the less you eat in the first 20 minutes the better.
  • No more soft drinks.
Drink a lot of water and green tea on the other hand. Occasionally fresh fruit juices and black teas are also a good alternative. Fruit juice from the pack is often very sweet and calorific, so you better delete it. Also light soda is not a smart choice.
  • Sports, sports, sports or .... move in a different way.
Although it is not necessarily necessary to exercise to lose weight, weight loss is often faster if you also exercise more.
  • Limit your caloric intake, eat less.
Watch out if you do this in an unwise way then you can kill your metabolism. At the moment you start eating normally again, you will arrive quickly and extra in such a case. When you decide to eat less, do it smart.