7 Day Soup Diet - The Weekly Meal Plan

7 day diet meal plan - The soup diet means that you always have 7 days of the diet. Characteristic of the soup diet is that during 7 days diet you mainly eat a special fat-burning soup. If you diet 7 days in this way, you can eat as much of this soup as you want, so you will not get hungry. The soup diet can be followed as often as you want, but it can not be done on a single piece. It is best to follow 7 days of diet and then eat normally for at least two days. Then you can start again with 7 days of a diet.

7 days diet is easy to maintain these guidelines, with a quick result. If you stick to the rules of the diet, you can lose weigth 4 to 7 kg during 7 days of the diet. If you have a period of 7 days dieting 2 or 3 consecutive times, with 2 rest days in between, you can easily lose 15 kilos within a month.

7 Day Soup Diet Meal Plan

Soup diet day 1
All fruits except bananas. Especially (water) melons are recommended. Eat as much soup as you want.

Soup diet day 2
All vegetables are allowed (especially green leafy vegetables), but no fruit. Soup at will.
Vegetables until you are full; fresh or out of the pot. Avoid dried beans, peas and corn. One boiled potato in the evening.

Soup diet day 3
Eat as much soup, fruit, and vegetables as you want, but no potato.

Soup diet day 4
Skimmed milk and bananas along with the soup. Up to 8 bananas. Drink an extra amount of spring water. The reason that you are now allowed lots of bananas and milk is that you have put your body to the test the last three days. You will now have to allow your body to refuel slightly and that can be done by giving yourself some extra calories and other nutrients.

Soup diet day 5
300 to 450 grams of chicken, beef or fish with 6 tomatoes. At least 6 to 8 glasses of spring water. Eat at least 1 serving of soup.

Soup diet day 6
As much beef and green leafy vegetables as you want, but no potato! Eat 1 serving of soup.

Soup diet day 7
So much unsweetened fruit juice, vegetables and brown rice as you want. At least 1 portion of soup.

Do not sin!

It is the intention that you very accurately follow this 7-day diet. 7 days diet, therefore, means that you do not have to sin in between because that disrupts the fat burning process. And precisely because it is only 7 days of the diet, it will not be too difficult to keep this up. Moreover, once you deviate from these guidelines, it will only become more difficult to continue. If you follow the advice well, then the result after 7 days of diet will be the best.