With the low-carbohydrate diet plan from this article you will learn how much and which carbohydrates you can safely eat. If you follow the tips and recipes from this article, you can lose up to 2 kilos per week without starving yourself or taking expensive supplements.
The biggest mistake you can make with a low-carbohydrate diet is that you eat too few or accidentally too many carbohydrates. Consequence: you do not fall off or even gain weight.
With the low-carbohydrate diet plan from this article, you are assured of the right amount of carbohydrates, so you are guaranteed to lose weight and lose fat. And all that in a fun, healthy and responsible way.
What is a low-carbohydrate diet?
A low-carb (low carb) diet is a diet where you eat between 50 and 100 grams of carbohydrates per day. With this diet you mainly eat fats and proteins, in combination with raw vegetable products such as fruit, vegetables and legumes.
With a low-carbohydrate diet you only eat carbohydrates from fresh, unprocessed products. That may sound easy, but it is unfortunately no longer.
The study showed that more than 70% of the diet is highly processed. And processed food means very often: extra carbohydrates .
More than 70% of the food in the supermarket contains unnecessary sugars, fast carbohydrates or harmful oils. These are all fat makers because they obstruct fat burning. In fact, they stimulate the production of new fat. These products therefore do not fit within the low-carbohydrate diet plan.
Do not be alarmed, because there is good news. There are still many healthy products that you can enjoy during a low-carbohydrate diet.
Do not eat less, but different
The human body can work on three different fuels: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These fuels are called macronutrients. Below you can read in which products they can be found.
Carbohydrates can be found in bread, pasta, noodles, potatoes, rice, grain products, fruit, vegetables and all sugary products such as sweets, pastries, cookies and ready-to-eat sauces. There is a difference between slow (good) and fast (bad) carbohydrates. You can read more about that later on.
Healthy fats are found in nuts, seeds, seeds, avocado, oily fish and coconut and olive oil. These fats help you lose weight, improve your cholesterol level and prevent your hunger during weight loss.
Proteins (proteins) are the building blocks of your body and are found mainly in meat, fish and egg. Nuts, seeds, beans and cottage cheese also contain a relatively large amount of proteins. Proteins are indispensable for the production of, among other things, bone, cartilage, blood, hormones, tissue, hair and nails.
With a low-carbohydrate diet you get your calories mainly from healthy fats and proteins . In addition, you eat a small amount of carbohydrates from fresh products such as fruit, vegetables, oats and legumes. This ratio ensures that you burn maximum fat.
You do not have to calculate the fat-protein-carbohydrate ratio yourself. In the free week menu at the bottom of this article we have already sorted this out for you. You only have to follow the recipes. With the recipes you stimulate fat burning and you fall off.
Do you still not feel comfortable eating more fats, and are you afraid that you will get fat from eating fat?
Low carbohydrate diet weekly menu
If all goes well, you are now convinced of the benefits of a low-carbohydrate diet. You may even be eager to start, but you do not know how.
To help you on your way, I have compiled a meal schedule for you for 7 days below.
Breakfast: Omelet with vegetables
Breakfast: Avocado and two boiled eggs
Breakfast: Full yogurt with a handful of unsalted nuts
Breakfast: Fried egg with a few slices of chicken
Breakfast: Smoothie of kale, pineapple and yogurt
Breakfast: Oatmeal with almond milk, raisins, unsalted nuts and cinnamon
Breakfast: Banana pancake with cinnamon
Lunch: Avocado salad with pine nuts, olive oil and sea salt
Lunch: Smoothie of banana, spinach, blueberries, coconut milk and a spoonful of linseed
Lunch: Rucola salad with unsalted nuts, apple, pine nuts and lime juice
Lunch: Quinoa rice cakes with pieces of avocado and walnuts
Lunch: Bean salad with egg, chicken, lettuce and arugula
Lunch: Wrap of lettuce with vegetables, minced meat and fresh guacamole
Lunch: Vegetable soup
Dinner: Grilled chicken with steamed vegetables
Dinner: Grilled prawns with vegetables
Dinner: Wok of vegetables and fish
Dinner: Tureen roulade with vegetables
Dinner: Grilled chicken wings with vegetables
Dinner: Red curry with cauliflower rice
Dinner: Sweet potato stew with chicken
Before you start ... Read this!
If you start eating low on carbohydrate again, you may experience slight discomforts during the first few days.
A low-carbohydrate diet activates fat burning. Chances are that your body has to get used to this. You can experience this as a temporary dip in your energy level, light headaches or changes in your bowel movements.
These slight inconveniences are annoying, but completely normal. It is a sign that your body is adjusting to the new situation.
Rest assured : if you experience these inconveniences, they usually last no longer than three days. Then people report that they feel better, stronger and fitter - while the body is burning unwanted fat.
Nevertheless, there are a number of things you can do to alleviate or prevent the inconveniences.
Add salt to your meals
As soon as you stop eating processed products, you get (much) less salt. Add some sea salt to your meals if you have to get used to a low-carbohydrate diet.
Drink a glass of coconut
water Coconut water contains electrolytes that can remove headaches. It also helps you to hydrate your body. They are two birds with one stone!
Remember that not everyone suffers from inconveniences. If you do get it, you realize that it is temporary and follow the above tips.
Continue the low-carbohydrate diet and only judge after two weeks. Most people who follow this low-carbohydrate diet plan get more energy, sleep deeper, feel stronger and burn fat in all areas of the body.