A mini metamorphosis
Let's go straight to the door at home. Losing 3 to 6 kilograms of fat in one week is impossible - except for extreme obesity. In this short period, you can lose one to two kilos of fat in combination with two to four kilograms of fluid. And that is exactly what we are going to aim for. And rest assured. The pounds that you lose in moisture do not only appear on the scale, but also in the mirror! It is simply the only possibility to undergo a 'mini metamorphosis' in a short time.
How can I lose weight quickly? A short theory
Unfortunately, we cannot escape a short theory lesson. We do not make use of magic formulas, but we rely on a principle that has proven itself to be long and broad (scientifically). Here we base ourselves on the fact that a large part of our diet - about 50% - consists of carbohydrates. We are talking about unhealthy products such as crisps, sweets, banquets and soft drinks, but also about bread, pasta, potatoes and rice.
Reserve stock energy
The carbohydrates that we eat are absorbed as glucose in the blood. This can be used directly by the body as energy. If we ingest a lot of carbohydrates at once - for example by eating a large plate of spaghetti - the body stores the surplus as fat or 'glycogen'. Glycogen is a kind of reserve supply of energy that the body can draw on when it is needed. For example, if you have not eaten for a while or have to make a substantial effort.
Fast and responsible weight loss: the first 2.5 kilos in a maximum of 2 days
And with this glycogen, it's the crux. For every gram of glycogen that the body stores, it also stores about 4 grams of water. A stored stock of 500 grams of glycogen - very normal - therefore quickly means an extra weight of 2 kg of water. So the key lies in the burning of this stock of glycogen. This means a weight loss of 2.5 (visible) kilos - 500 grams of glycogen and 2 kilos of water - in less than two days. A real 'kickstart' with which you can look 'tighter' and 'drier' in record time!
The biggest advantage of this approach
We will, of course, tell you exactly how you can start this 'Extreme weight loss', but first go into the biggest advantage of this approach. If we have used up the supply of glycogen, we force the body to switch to a different energy source: fat! And that is exactly what - with a view to the longer term - the intention is. The burning of fat as the main energy source is also called 'ketosis' or a 'ketogenic state'. The body literally changes - just to throw in a marketing term - in a fat-burning machine. In the first week, you can easily lose a few pounds of fat.
Calculation for clarification
The example below clarifies what this 'high-speed method' can mean for an average person in one week:
- Burn glycogen: 500 grams of glycogen
- Recovering moisture: 2 kilos
- Fat loss: 2 kilos
- Total weight loss in one week: 4.5 kilos
Extreme weight loss: how do you handle it?
The starting points are simple. Consume your glycogen stock, lose pounds of moisture and force your body into fat-burning mode. But how do you handle it? Fortunately, there are several ways that lead to Rome. By far the easiest way is to use a diet program that uses this 'Extreme weight loss' method.
Free super-fast weight loss: the do-it-yourself method
Of course, you do not have to choose a diet program. Extreme weight loss is also possible with a 'do-it-yourself method'. In short, free Extreme weight loss. Below the two simple starting points:
Get fewer calories than you consume
Drastically reducing the intake of carbohydrates
To make it as easy as possible, we have created a ready step-by-step plan for the best result in one week.
Step 1 - Calculate your daily calorie requirement
Calculate how many calories you need daily. The so-called Harris-Benedict formula is the most accurate. The website runinfo.nl has a handy online tool with which you can calculate your calorie requirement according to this method.
Step 2 - Derive 500 calories from this
Subtract 500 calories from your daily calorie requirement and you know exactly how much you can eat every day. Someone with a caloric requirement of 2200 may, therefore, consume 1700 calories per day. The nutritional value of products can be found on the packaging.
Step 3 - Assemble a low carbohydrate menu
Compose a menu with only products with no or hardly any carbohydrates. In the morning, for example, start with a fried egg with cheese, eat a tuna salad in the afternoon and enjoy chicken fillet with vegetables in the evening. Be careful not to exceed the permitted number of calories.
Step 4 - Move a lot during the first days
By moving a lot during the first days - for example, walking, cycling or jogging - the glycogen supply is used up more quickly. So your body has to switch to fat as a source of energy before. Keep an hour a day during the first days and half an hour a day during the other days as a rule.
And now continue!
The biggest challenge, of course, is to give this 'kickstart' an appropriate follow-up. In short, continue to lose weight and live healthier. Super fast weight loss is impossible for a longer period. It is the art to develop a healthy, low-carbohydrate lifestyle. This allows you to burn about one kilogram of fat per week. Of course, you can do this on your own strength - get rid of - but there are also excellent diet programs based on a low-carbohydrate lifestyle. Examples are the Paleo diet, the 7 × 7 diet, and the South Beach diet.