How To Fast and Permanent Lose Weight in 2 Weeks?

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Fast and lasting weight loss without yo-yo effect impossible? It can be done by adjusting your eating and living habits. With an adapted, healthy, balanced and varied diet and extra physical exercise, quick and permanent weight loss in just two weeks is perfectly possible. But how do you do that exactly?

Fast and lasting weight loss in 2 weeks you do in the first place by burning extra fat quickly and converting a number of things immediately.

Healthy food
Our modern diet is poor in healthy nutrients but rich in carbohydrates or sugars. You can find these carbohydrates and sugars in most food products, but primarily in packaged products and products such as pasta, rice, and potatoes. Our ancestors mainly ate vegetables, meat, fish, and nuts. Avoid so much the factory foods and go for natural food.

Burn Fat
As a result of the many cereal products and sugars in our diet, we are no longer able to burn our body fat, resulting in obesity, obesity, and obesity.

Healthy fat makes you lose weight more easily
A diet with a lot of carbohydrates, grains, and sugars is actually nothing for us. Our body prefers fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and seeds. And yet we eat massive carbohydrate-rich foods such as potatoes, rice, cruesli and pasta. Especially sugars and grains cause overweight. Unsaturated, healthy fats help you quickly lose weight.

Do you also want to lose weight permanently? With this plan you will quickly lose weight in a pleasant way, even in 2 weeks:
  • Sugar and saturated fats: Eat as little refined white sugars and fats as possible. From now on, eat sugar-free, you will soon experience the benefits of it. Saturated fats are mainly found in sweets, cookies, pastries and in all ready-made dishes and processed food.
  • Unsaturated, healthy fats: Grains and grain products are other causes of obesity. Replace them with healthy, and therefore unsaturated, fats. These fats are mainly found in all kinds of fatty fish such as eels, salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, herring, and anchovies.
  • Eat more bio: Eat as many organic vegetables, fruit, and meat as possible. Choose only eggs from free-range chickens.
  • Eat more nuts: All types of nuts help you to replace carbohydrates, without causing a shortage of healthy nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
  • Healthy seeds: Eat a handful of healthy seeds and seeds daily such as line and sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
  • Choose healthy oils: Like coconut oil, olive oil, and krill oil.
  • Green vegetables: Eat more green vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water: Drink more water instead of high-calorie and unhealthy soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. Water purifies your body from all waste products.
  • Eat more raw food: Use as much fresh food as possible and eat more raw vegetables. That way you can enjoy a maximum of their many healthy nutrients.
  • Clean your body regularly: Reduce your body regularly from the many waste products as a result of the many body processes. This process is also called detoxing.
  • Choose healthy snacks: Limit as many sugar and calorie-rich snacks as possible, such as crisps, sweets, and pastries. Replace these thickeners with healthy snacks such as fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Ensure sufficient vitamins and minerals: Make sure that you always get enough healthy nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, and antioxidants. These are mainly found in fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and in kernels.