Exercises And Lose Weight At Home: 3 Tips That Help

Exercises and losing weight at home is not easy, but it is possible. Difficult because exercises require a lot of self-discipline at home, in addition to other changes, for example in the area of ​​your diet. Find three tips here if you want to exercise and lose weight at home. The most important: make sure you know who you are yourself before you choose to get started at home.

You do not have to lose weight, but you do exercise at home. But, yeah, what is that bed really delicious at once. And you did not sleep well again tonight. Who thinks of going to run so early in the cold morning? You know for sure, it is a much better plan to exercise later in the day. You are actually entitled to that extra bit of sleep. Just stay a little longer than ... "

Eventually, you come back from work in the evening and little has come of the vague plan to 'play in the sun'. It was quite busy. Make no mistake: it requires a huge dose of self-discipline to structurally work at home.

Tip 1. Exercises and losing weight at home: How much self-discipline do you have?
Exercises and losing weight at home is possible, but good self-knowledge is important. How much self-discipline do you have? It is important to know that for yourself. The following questions can give you an idea how much self-discipline you have. Answer the questions with a score of 1 to 5 with 1 almost never showing and 5 almost always.
  • How often do you make an appointment with yourself that you do not fulfill?
  • How often did your mother have to motivate you at school to do your homework?
From the times that you have taken part in the last 3 months, how often did you do that on someone else's initiative?
If you score often around 4 and 5, the dose of self-discipline is probably not that high. Do not make it too difficult for yourself now and do not convince yourself that you do have it anyway.

Be honest with yourself and decide for example to go to Zumba, Yoga or jogging training in a group. Lessons at regular intervals where you may pay for and want to follow.

Make it even easier for yourself by bringing a motivated friend or girlfriend who might remind you of a text message that you have Zumba tonight.

If you are more often on the 1 or 2 then you can probably fall back on a dose of self-discipline. If you ask others about your self-discipline, they usually estimate it fairly high. You also think that you have a healthy portion of it. You can, therefore, go back very well if necessary, even if you want to exercise and lose weight at home. Still, you do not just manage it and it is wise to apply Tip 2 and 3 frequently.

Tip 2. Exercises and Weight Loss At Home: Why Do You Want Exercises and Weight Loss?
What is your trigger? Why are you doing it? Use two levels of why. The big why answers the question of how exercises and a healthy lifestyle in your life belong to the long-term home. Think of it as the 'multi-year value'.

For example, I exercise because I enjoy it and I enjoy life more.
Or: I exercise because I want to live happily ever after. I know that exercises contribute significantly to this

The 'short-term reason' answers the question of why your exercise with a reason that lies within approximately 3 to 6 months.

For example, I exercise because in three months I want to run the 5-kilometer race with me in the village.
Or: I exercise because in four months I will go for a week in the Alps.

Do not explicitly mention the fact that weight loss is ultimately a pleasant side effect of a healthy lifestyle. So replace an unhealthy diet and lifestyle by a more healthy and weight loss follows logically.

Tip 3. Exercises and Weight Loss At home: Be Specific
Plan a few moments on Sunday evening to record all your exercising moments. Consider an exercise moment on the day as a top 3 activity.

Then you have room to record two other top priorities but you can not escape the third.

Be specific: Wednesday morning at 6:00 am you will run 5 km. Realize the consequences of your choices and accept them.

In the morning it can be cold, you can be tired. Maybe it is raining. That is why you choose that too.

And you also know that when you have done it, you feel that you can handle the whole world. Nothing can destroy your day. You can exercise and lose weight at home.