To lose weight? Go running!

What happens to and in your body when you are losing weight? Along the lines, you literally put more and more kilos away and your body becomes a bit unstable: all your organs and muscles are looking for a new place and maybe you even have some muscle pain. We, therefore, advise you not to lift heavy items, or to push and pull hard, such as when you are going to help with a move. But also spicy contact sports such as boxing and wrestling are a little more sensitive to injury during weight loss. Swimming, hiking, pilates, and yoga fit very well! Do you have the flavor by the first kilos that have gone off, that you want to lose weight and running, read this blog carefully!

Do you want to lose weight by picking up the running?
The slow building is very important. You could start by first tracking your steps. Nowadays there are very useful apps available for example Samsung or iPhone. You must then carry the mobile phone with you. There are also pedometers in bracelet form of various brands including Nike if you find it easier. Once a pedometer makes you aware of your movements per day and encourages you to take more and more steps every day. When you do it at the same time with a friend, there is also some healthy competition and an advantage of walking is that it is not sensitive to injury. After this, you can proceed to build up the running. Start warming up by walking, then you walk hard for 1 minute, then walk 1 minute and so on for 25 minutes total.

Lose weight with running
When the goal of running is to lose weight or better lose weight, you have to take into account a number of important points of interest:
When running for weight loss, it is not a high pace but a quiet steady pace that you can sustain for a long time. If you start a higher pace, you mainly work on your condition and fat burning is less. It is also important to monitor your heart rate. For fat burning you must stay within the bandwidth of 60% of your maximum heart rate. How do you determine your maximum heart rate? The maximum heart rate is the number of strokes per minute above which your heart can not come no matter how hard you exert yourself. If you use the following formula, you already have an idea: Maximum heart rate = 220 - your age. But if you really want to know exactly, you can do a fitness test in which you get the exact number above water with a maximum exercise test on the bike or treadmill. You can ask about this at most gyms.
Lose weight with running, that would be good.

An example of running efficiently and losing weight:
You are a woman of 39 and want to burn fat and lose weight. The ideal heart rate for weight loss and fat burning is about 60% of your maximum heart rate, and fat burning really gets underway with an effort of at least 20 minutes. The maximum heart rate of a woman of 39 is around 220:
220-39 = 181. With about 60% of this, she will have to keep her heart rate at about 118 for fat burning.

The use of an app is recommended because you get a better picture of your heart rate and your pace. Runkeeper is widely used for this. After your training, you can take a quiet look and with the insights, you can run more efficiently next time

Why is it that people sometimes do not lose weight when they exercise?
If you feel very busy with the diet in combination with running and still see no result, first check your running schedule. Running 45 minutes a week or running a few times for 20 minutes does not put a lot of effort on the dike. To burn really well extra you walk at least 3 or 4 times a week and you combine this training with a muscle strengthening workout on the other days. Strength training provides more muscle tissue (no, no muscles ladies, do not be afraid) and this muscle tissue provides extra calorie burning and activates your metabolism.

It may also happen that you have stepped on the scale and want to drop it because your weight does not go down while you are doing so well, with the diet and weight loss and running in combination with muscle strengthening training. How is that possible? Muscle tissue is about as heavy as fat cells but much 'denser' and therefore takes much less space. Maybe your weight on the scale is not going down so quickly, but the size of the waist, chest, hips and buttocks decreases and you become much tighter. And the fat burning has just continued, only now is there in place some healthy and well blooded muscle tissue come! So the scale is not always the best indication of whether you are doing well. The scale remains but suddenly you do those tight jeans !!!

If the scales remain stationary, it can unfortunately also be that you do not keep the right balance between the amount of food that you take and the physical performance you provide. It is a very thin wire where you balance between enough nutrition to run and not too much to lose weight. How do you determine that and why is that so important? If you do not eat enough your body will store its fat reserves because it thinks it's a war: there is little food and it has to perform very hard physically. Result: you do not fall off and you feel weak and miserable. But what happens if you eat too much because you have a huge appetite for exercising and feel that you need food because you have done so well? And maybe you ate a sugar-rich bar or shake because you thought the body needed it? Then you will not fall off or even come to mind.
It is quite difficult to determine how much extra you need for your sporting performance. It depends on which sport, which pace, how long and when. You do not need sugars, but good slow carbohydrates and some fruit sugar. For example, if you spend an hour spinning, take 2 extra sugar-free high-fiber crackers with some sugar-free jam from St. Dalfour. The timing of the extra nutrients is also important: if you have just had breakfast then you take the extra crackers AFTER exercise. If it is true that you have eaten, take 1 cracker before and one after. Talk to your coach and avoid calorie bombs! There are certainly good products but they are pins in a haystack and specialist knowledge is needed to ensure the required proportions to decide.

Tips for running and losing weight
• Drink plenty of water and check with your coach whether a sports drink is needed and if so which! You do not have to drink extremely much. We know from research that a human body can only absorb a limited amount of fluid per hour and that this is very personal. So see for yourself what is the best amount for you.
• Only walk with good running shoes and get advice in a specialist store!
• Go outside, into nature, to run fast. The oxygen is good for your body and nature brings your mind to rest!
• Preferably walk on a soft surface to prevent injuries!
• Build up quietly and listen to your body but consult with your nutrition coach!

Are you increasingly losing weight and running?
Did you take up your running trajectory at TBB and have recently run your first marathon? Or have you set a specific goal for yourself with sports and would you like to take us into your experiences? Or did you reach another milestone in this area? Let us know and inspire others with your story!

Have fun and good luck!!!