Lose Weight With Green Tea Capsules

Green tea is a natural remedy that helps lose weight and cleanses your body of harmful substances. Green tea increases the speed of your metabolism by about 4%. You burn more calories without having to do something extra for that.

The difference between green and black tea is in the processing process. Both teas are harvested from the same tea plant, the Camellia Sinensis. Black tea is obtained by roasting the tea leaves which gives them the black color and the leaves of the green tea are only slightly steamed. This means that many more active ingredients remain behind in the green tea leaves.

Why capsules?
Since not everyone likes to drink tea - for a slimming effect you will have to drink 4 cups a day - but if you want to take advantage of the beneficial effects, green tea is also an extract and packaged in easy capsules. Lose weight with green tea capsules is easier if, for example, you do not always have the opportunity to make fresh tea due to circumstances at work. With every day 1 to 2 capsules just after the meal, you achieve the same result as 4 cups of fresh green tea per day.

Green tea capsules are completely natural and just as healthy as fresh green tea. No animal or artificial additives have been added to the capsules, except cellulose. The beneficial effects of green tea capsules in a nutshell:
  • Green tea capsules do not have the same bitter taste as the fresh tea.
  • With 1 or 2 capsules per day, you achieve the same effect as with 4 cups of tea.
  • The active ingredients of green tea promote concentration.
  • Waste in the body is removed more quickly by the diuretic properties.
  • The antioxidants present in green tea help our bodies to fight against bacteria and prevent cell aging.
  • The beneficial substances in green tea increase the effect of HDL (good cholesterol) and reduce the effects of LDL (bad cholesterol) on our body.
Does the swallowing of green tea capsules cause side effects?
If you have never drunk green tea before or follow a strict diet, drinking the tea or swallowing the capsules can cause anxiety, insomnia or some nervousness. This is due to the caffeine in the tea and is not harmful. The caffeine in tea is significantly lower than in coffee, so if you are used to coffee, you will not notice the stimulating effect of the tea.

Lose weight with green tea capsules only does not work, green tea is not a panacea. A balanced diet and sufficient exercise are the indispensable components of a weight loss period. However, the active ingredients of green tea are an excellent tool for losing weight. The advantage of losing weight with green tea capsules is that the extract of first quality in the capsule is made of fresh tea leaves and you do not have to worry about the quality. With the swallowing of capsules, you get the best out of the green tea.

Dried green tea leaves can be perennial, inferior quality or mixed with a cheaper tea and are therefore unsuitable for a weight loss cure. Green tea is only suitable to lose weight if you are sure that the tea is actually of good quality and fresh.