The Smoothie Diet: How Lose Weight with Smoothies?

Smoothies are a great way to lose weight because you decide which ingredients will end up in your smoothie. They are the perfect carrier of ingredients with a relatively low amount of calories and at the same time many nutrients that give you the feeling that you are full for a long time.

By combining the right ingredients, you can prepare smoothies that taste delicious and that will help you get rid of your excess pounds.

Moreover, it does not take much time to learn what to use, and how to make the right combinations.

The reason that smoothies can assist you to lose weight is that you can get all your required nutrients in a glass without adding extravagant or zero calories. Once you learn which ingredients can form a balanced smoothie, you can create a good balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and vitamins and nutrients.

Ingredients that ensure weight loss
Many of the average ingredients used in healthy smoothies can contribute to a healthy weight, but some are better than others. Certain ingredients can cause weight loss in various ways.

Ingredient # 1: Avocado
Avocados are often used to make the smoothies thicker or creamier. But did you know that this fruit can also contribute to weight loss? It contains a lot of healthy fats, which keeps you feeling full until your next meal, while you get a range of health-promoting vitamins and minerals.

Ingredient # 2: Berries
Every kind of berry (strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, etc.) adds a lot of flavor to a smoothie, without adding a lot of calories or sugar. In addition, they contain a lot of fiber, so that you retain a 'full' feeling, as well as antioxidants, which are good for your overall health.

Ingredient # 3: Cayenne pepper
This herb does not only add extra to your smoothie but also triggers weight loss. The reason for this is that it contains a substance called capsaicin. Research results show that by adding this herb to your breakfast, you consume fewer fats and carbohydrates later in the day. Cayenne pepper, therefore, reduces your appetite.

Ingredient # 4: Chia seed
Chia seed is packed with fiber and proteins, which help you feel full and full of satisfaction. In addition, they contain several healthy nutrients, such as calcium, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, they ensure that toxins are removed from your digestive tract.

An option is to make chia seed gel. This is easier to digest and makes your smoothie creamier. To make chia seed gel, combine equal portions of chia seed and water in a small container and leave it for 5-10 minutes so that it can change into the gel. The gel can be stored in your refrigerator for up to a month.

Ingredient # 5: Cinnamon
This popular herb helps regulate blood sugar levels by improving glucose metabolism. This reduces the amount of excess blood glucose that can be stored as fat. Belly fat, in particular, is very sensitive to the effects of cinnamon.

Ingredient # 6: Coconut oil
Getting enough healthy fats is necessary for weight loss and for achieving optimal health. The main fats in coconut oil are used by the body as energy, rather than stored as fat. This 'superfood' ensures that you have a saturated, energetic and good feeling about your smoothie.

Ingredient # 7: Greek yogurt
Compared to other types of yogurt, Greek yogurt contains much more protein. This means that it will give you a fuller feeling for longer than other types of yogurt. Go for the Greek yogurt that is rich in fats, but where no extra flavorings have been added. The variants where the flavor is added, namely contain many added sugars.

Ingredient # 8: Leaves of green vegetable
Green vegetables, such as cauliflower, spinach, dandelions and Roman lettuce, are loaded with phytonutrients (natural chemicals from many plants) and contain few calories. They are also rich in fiber. It is important that your green vegetables are running enough.

Ingredient # 9: Tea, water or ice
Many smoothie recipes require milk or fruit juices to create the right density. In order to avoid the extra calories, however, it is better to opt for tea, water or ice. A fruity herbal tea is a good substitute for juice. Green tea contains healthy nutrients, including a substance that helps with weight loss, and it has a (little) taste.

Ingredient # 10: Fruit pulp
If you have already used a juicer, you know that you not only keep juice but also a big pile of pulp - which you throw in the trash afterward. These are all fibers from the fruit. Instead of throwing it away, you can also add it to your smoothie as a natural source of fiber.

Follow a smoothie diet to lose weight
However, it must be said that replacing all or continuous meals with smoothies is not recommended.

The main reason is that you will just too few calories might get inside. In addition, the weight you lose through a smoothie diet is often only temporary. Eventually, you will recover all your lost weight again. This makes a smoothie diet a form of yo-yo diet; a diet that brings more disappointment and dangers than happiness.

Instead of a smoothie diet, you can better go on a 'real' diet, but one that goes with smoothies. For example, just use a smoothie for breakfast, and eat normal meals during your lunch or dinner. Or use smoothies in between to make you feel full until your next meal. But do not replace all your meals!