Cleanse Liver Makes Lose Weight Fast

Cleanse liver is not only good for better health. A pure liver, in turn, provides a clean body. And a body free from all possible toxic waste makes it easy to lose weight fast.

These toxic waste products are the result of our unhealthy food, of the many body processes and of the environmental pollution.

Our liver is literally the purification station of our body and therefore needs extra care. We do this with a healthy diet with high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and slow carbohydrates.

For a pure and healthy liver, we also avoid as much food as possible rich in added sugars and starch. Immediately the most important causes of overweight. Liver cleansing is therefore necessary.

How do we cleanse our liver for better health and lose weight fast?

Your liver is the purification station of your body. A total of no less than six hundred body processes take place there. Numerous indispensable substances, including healthy fats and proteins, are produced. Your liver also breaks down all toxic waste in time and removes it. Cleanse liver is therefore important. In the first place to stimulate your health, but equally good to lose weight fastly.

In addition, your liver also provides the necessary energy. A healthy liver is essential for healthy functioning.
The main tasks of your liver:
  • Carbohydrate metabolism: the sugars released during the digestion of you from our diet such as glucose released into your bloodstream in your liver. Sugar that you do not immediately need as energy is stored in your liver cells starch. If you need extra energy, your liver converts the stored glycogen back into glucose. That comes back into your blood, where it provides extra energy to move.
  • Your liver provides a stable blood sugar level so that less insulin is made and easier
  • Protein metabolism: amino acids are formed during the digestion of proteins in your small intestine. They will go to your liver through your blood. There you are transformed into proteins. The latter is taken back by your blood and are transported over your body.
Proteins are indispensable for losing weight. They are a source of healthy nutrients and prolong your feeling of satiety.
  • Fat metabolism: Digest fats in your small intestine. In this way fatty acids are formed. These also go towards liver. Unhealthy saturated fats change into healthy fats that stimulate your metabolism or metabolism. Unsaturated fats are used as energy
  • Liver cleansing: your liver absorbs these "toxic" substances from the blood and makes them harmless. The liver does this by binding the harmful substances to a certain protein, namely glucuronic acid. Or by changing the harmful substances of structure (structure), making them harmless. The harmless substances are then removed from the body with the bile fluid or urine
  • Formation of bile: you will also takes care of the production of bile. This bile fluid enters your gallbladder via your bile ducts. If you eat too greasy food, your gallbladder will contract and deliver bile fluid to your small intestine. Bile fluid is needed for proper digestion of fats
  • Storage function: in your liver, substances are stored simultaneously , including glycogen, fats, amino acids, vitamins and minerals
  • Unhealthy saturated fats and trans fats are the biggest enemy of your liver. Burning more fat is necessary for better health and easier weight loss
Deliver cleansing of all external toxins

Liver cleansing is a necessity, for your health and your healthy weight. As mentioned earlier, we get toxic waste from our environment inside. But our unhealthy food with lots of sugars, starch and saturated fat and trans fats also produce toxic waste. As a result, your liver will endure it heavily.

In the case of long-term unhealthy eating, your liver is unable to process and dispose of that flow of waste materials on time.

Not only what you eat is important for your general health and that of your liver. That is also true if you drink a lot of alcohol, high-caffeine drinks such as soft drinks, coffee, energy drinks and, to a lesser extent, tea.

The way you prepare your food also has a strong influence on the health of your liver.

Cleanse your liver and stimulate his health preferably by steaming, braising, smothering and preparing in the oven instead of baking, roasting, smoking, and deep-frying.

Clean the liver with bitter food

Clean your liver with food with a bitter taste such as vegetables. They do this by producing extra bile, which brings the waste into your gut. From there they are removed.

Sufficient production of bile ensures a smooth and healthy bowel movement

Food rich in bitter substances can be found in:
  • The membrane of grains, the skin around the nut and the skin of fruit and vegetables
  • Vegetables: artichokes, green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, avocado, carrots, sprouted soybeans, celery, asparagus, arugula, watercress, peppers, cucumber, spinach, zucchini, aubergine, pumpkin, onions, garlic, chicory, and endive
  • Fruit: grapefruit, raspberries, black currants, mulberries, apples, strawberries, white currant, cranberries, pears, plums, grapes, figs, olives, mandarin, orange, melon, pineapple, and mango. cherries
  • Herbs: parsley, basil, rosemary, thyme, sage, mint, dandelion, rooibos, plantain, rose hip, milk thistle, hawthorn, chamomile, and lemongrass.
You can also cleanse the liver and lose weight fast with:
  • Foods rich in healthy fatty acids: such as omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids from flaxseed, dark leafy vegetables, nuts, legumes (peas, beans, vegetable seeds, lentils, and chickpeas), cucumber and olive oil ensure a pure and healthy liver. Surprisingly, cream butter or unrefined coconut oil also keeps your liver healthy
  • Slow carbohydrates: as in wholemeal bread, wholegrain pasta and unpolished rice,
  • Eat natural food: after all, that is an important source of slow carbohydrates
  • Drink lukewarm water with ginger on a regular basis: you can have liver cleansed with carbonated water for about twenty minutes at a low temperature. After twenty minutes add a piece of grated fresh ginger root. Drink this with small sips at room temperature
  • Take time to rest and relax: sleep well enough, on average about eight hours. Stress and fatigue are one of the biggest enemies of your liver
  • Do not clean your liver with coffee, black tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, alcohol, cocoa, chocolate, vinegar, sharp herbs and spices such as cinnamon, curry, clove, nutmeg, pepper, and meat. These foods require too much energy from your liver