The Hospital Diet: A 5 Day Crash Diet With Serious Risks

In this article, you will learn how to quickly dispose of the hospital diet and also receive the 5-day meal plan. The hospital diet is a 5-day diet with a number of serious side effects. In this article, you can read which are and how it affects your body and brain.

Note: there are situations in which you despise the strict rules of the hospital diet, you will not lose weight. In this article, you can read whether this also applies to you.

The development of the hospital diet
The hospital diet is a crash diet with the aim of losing 5 kilos in 1 week.

This way of eating would have been devised to allow patients to lose a few kilos in a short time for a medical procedure. Patients thus increase the chances of success of an operation.

The story goes that the way of eating worked so well that patients who have lost weight have brought out the diet. Since then, this way of eating goes through life as 'the hospital diet', 'the crash diet' and 'the 5-day diet'.

Important to know is that the hospital diet has no official authority or author. The food schedules that can be found on the internet are not verified and may differ from the actual hospital diet.

Moreover, the hospital diet is meant to follow under supervision, not as it is now used to lose weight.

Nevertheless, many people have lost their lives with the hospital diet. Results differ from a few kilos to sometimes as much as 5 kilos in 1 week.

The hospital diet is not always as successful. There are several aspects that can ensure that you do not waste with this diet.

How the hospital diet can prevent you from falling
The results of the hospital diet are achieved by losing a lot of fluid in addition to fat. Although some people claim that good results are achieved, the crash diet can also prevent losing weight.

In addition, this crash diet has a number of serious consequences that you read below.

# 1 - You hardly fall off despite all efforts
The hospital diet is a low-fat 5-day diet with an average of 1000 calories per day; far below the average daily calorie requirement of 2000 calories for women and 2500 calories for men.

You might think that the caloric deficit is resolved by burning fat, but unfortunately, that flag does not stop. Your body works differently.

Similar to a laptop or cell phone that runs into a low-power mode when the battery is almost empty, your body will also shoot in low-power mode if you eat too little. The calorie deficit during the hospital diet ensures that your body puts certain bodily functions on the back burner.

This can be experienced as a very unpleasant feeling where you can become tired, dizzy, lifeless and irritable.

In short: through the hospital diet, your body shoots in the low-energy mode, so you burn less fat.

# 2 - The yo-yo effect due to a disturbed hormonal balance
A substance flows through your body called leptin. Leptin is a very powerful fat burning hormone that eliminates hunger, speeds up the metabolism and determines how much fat you can burn.

With a healthy diet the leptin hormone is nicely balanced, so you also burn the last kilos that normally seem to be stuck. In the case of an unhealthy diet, on the other hand, such as the hospital diet, the leptin hormone can become unbalanced.

This changes the biochemistry in your body, causing the kilos to come back immediately once you stop the hospital diet.

In short: the hospital diet (crash diet) changes the biochemistry in your body, making you most likely suffer from the yo-yo effect.

# 3 - More wrinkles and a paler skin
Just like with other crash diets, you get too few nutrients during the hospital diet. And that has different consequences for your appearance.

A study by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition shows that eating fish and crustaceans can prevent wrinkles. Alan Logan, an author of The Clear Skin Diet, states that aging of the skin is due to small inflammations.

Omega-3 fatty acids from fish, nuts, seeds, and crustaceans help to prevent these inflammations, and therefore wrinkles. You get too few omega-3 fatty acids during the hospital diet.

Another interesting study shows that daily drinking a fresh fruit and vegetable juice gives your face more color. During the hospital diet you get too little fruit and vegetables, so your skin can become pale. Although the hospital diet is a short diet (a 5-day diet), it must be said that this way of eating can affect your health and appearance.

In short: the hospital diet can provide a clearer skin and more wrinkles.

With the hospital, diet is 5 kilos in one week rather than the rule. You can quickly lose a few pounds, but there is a hefty price tag for your health and appearance.

The hospital diet is normally followed under the supervision and is not intended to be performed independently. Moreover, the benefits of this way of eating have never been officially confirmed by a doctor or medical institution.

Lose weight with the hospital diet often goes along with hunger, irritation, lethargy, and dizziness. Sometimes it even leads to insomnia and bad breath.

The hospital diet is therefore not recommended as a method to lose weight.

Moreover, with this crash diet, you mainly lose fluid. As soon as you stop the crash diet, this moisture mass immediately arrives.

Okay, no hospital diet. But I want to lose weight as quickly as possible, so what can I do?
Below is a way to quickly lose weight. This way is useful to use when you want to look your best for a certain date, such as a wedding or special event. When you apply the steps below you will not suffer from the yo-yo effect, you will quickly lose those first kilos and you will look fantastic.

Follow all 2 steps at the same time for the best result.

Step 1: Lose weight in 1 week
The two nutrients that cause your body to retain water are carbohydrates and salt.

By limiting carbohydrates (50-75 grams per day) and avoiding salt as much as possible, you can lose up to 4.5 kilos in the first week (consisting of moisture and excess fat).

Step 2: Burned fat - even in difficult places
Start immediately with the low-carbohydrate diet to lose up to 2 kilos per week in a healthy way, without exercising. With the low-carbohydrate diet, you eat a lot of proteins, healthy fats and vegetables. You do not have to be hungry for a second and you can enjoy delicious dishes.