7 Lose Weight Tips Exercises For Home

To get slim and fit for the day, you can, of course, take a subscription to the gym in the neighborhood. Because many people today are very busy, not everyone has time for this. Also, gym subscriptions can be quite pricey. Fortunately, you can also do exercises at home to get or keep your body nice and tight. This article discusses 7 lose weight tips exercise for each day of the week, with which you can come back in the form of your life. With these 7 exercises for home, all muscle groups and problem areas are discussed. Remember to avoid the common sports mistakes.

1. The Push-Up
The push-up is a classic among the fitness exercises. With the push-up, you can strengthen and strengthen your chest muscles and triceps (back of your upper arm). Just like with the squat, you also train your stomach and back muscles and this exercise contributes to the building of muscle strength and mass. In addition, your overall fitness progresses by doing pushups. For the optimal effect, it is advisable to perform the exercise as pure as possible.

Implementation of the push-up
  • Place your arms on the ground at slightly more than shoulder width of each other.
  • Now gently move your arms with your nose towards the ground.
  • Keep your body straight (like a plank) during the entire exercise.
  • Push yourself up from your arms now again. and repeat the exercise 10x
If the exercise is too heavy for you in this way, you can also rely on your knees instead of your toes or your imprints while standing on the counter for example.

2. The Squat
The squat is also one of the basic exercises of the fitness. You train with this exercise not only your leg and buttock muscles but improves your overall strength and endurance. The squat is also an important exercise for strengthening your core (stomach and back muscles). Because the squat appeals to so many different muscle groups, this exercise will ensure the building of muscle mass. By building muscle mass you will not only look tighter, but you will also burn more calories at rest. In addition, the squat helps you to carry out daily activities more easily and reduces the risk of injuries.

Implementation of the squat
  • Stand upright with your legs at shoulder width apart.
  • Make your back hollow. Put your chest forward and hold your belly.
  • Your arms hold you stretched out in front of you
  • Now slowly move your knees. This is similar to sitting on a chair.
  • Poke your legs until your upper legs are horizontal.
  • Stand up and repeat the exercise 10x
3. Plank
The board is one of the most important slim-making exercises because it allows you to tackle all your abdominal muscles. You train your straight and oblique abdominal muscles and your back muscles. This will not only make you slimmer but will also improve your body posture. If you mainly want to focus on your oblique abdominal muscles to tackle the so-called love handles, you can also perform the exercise in a lateral variant.

Execution of the plank
  • Support your forearms and toes
  • Meanwhile, keep your back straight
  • Keep this position as long as possible
With this exercise, you will soon notice that you can keep the plank full longer. To make the exercise heavier, you can also alternately support your hands and forearms.

4. The Tricep Dip
Your triceps are the largest muscle group in your arm and should therefore not be skipped during a workout. With this exercise, you pick up the so-called chicken fillets easily and you get tight upper arms again.

Execution of the tricep dip
  • Grab a chair and lean with your arms on the seat of a chair (with your back to the chair)
  • Your buttocks hang just before the seat in the air
  • Now slowly lower yourself to the floor and press yourself up again
With the four above-mentioned exercises, you tackle your entire body. If you want to pay extra attention to your buttocks, legs or stomach, you can choose one of the extra exercises below.

5. Lunges
An effective exercise for buttocks and leg muscles. Step forward with one leg and slowly lower your knee until you are 90 degrees in this leg. Especially good for lean thighs.

6. Lay Lifts
A powerful exercise for abdominal and thigh muscles. For this exercise, lie on your back and slowly lift your legs in a straight line.

7. Step Ups
Another exercise to strengthen leg and buttock muscles. For this, you need a step, where you alternate with your left and right legs.