10 Diet Tips For Fast Weight Loss

Fast weight loss is something that almost every dieter would like to see. That makes sense because losing weight itself is usually not fun and the result is ... So the faster, the better of course. In this article, we do not address the question of whether or not very fast weight loss is healthy or whether it makes sense in the longer term. You will find here 10 concrete diet tips for weight loss. The aim of these tips is therefore only as quickly as possible to lose weight ... Within these tips do not use special slimming remedies or drinks, these are general tips that everyone can apply for quick weight loss.

1. Much exercise = lose weight quickly
Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Go hiking / running, visit the gym or step on the cross trainer. The more you move, the more calories you burn and the faster you will lose weight.

2. Drink green tea
Drink at least 5 cups of green tea daily. Green tea stimulates your metabolism and fat burning, and thus ensures rapid weight loss.

3. Counting calories
Count the number of calories you eat and drink every day. This gives you an enormous amount of insight into your eating behavior. If you know how many calories you eat and which diet contains a lot of calories, you can help to eat smarter, lose weight quickly and consume fewer calories.

4. Little eating & losing weight
But beware: the opinions are divided on the question of how many calories you have to consume to quickly lose weight. Your body has an average daily of 2000 calories needed for all physical processes. If you eat fewer calories than you need, your body will engage your fat reserves and proteins for energy, so you will lose weight. Suddenly eating much fewer calories ensures quick weight loss, but it also causes the yo-yo effect when you start eating "normal" again. By eating little, your body also burns muscle tissue, which is disadvantageous if you are fanatical. There are therefore many dietitians who advise not to restrict your calorie intake too much to lose weight quickly and permanently. Anyway; if you only want to lose weight super fast, then very little to no food helps absolutely (in the very short term).

5. Eat healthily
Whether you reduce your caloric intake drastically or keep it about the same: eat at least as healthy as possible. That means no sweets, snacks and soft drinks, but vegetables, fruit, lean proteins and healthy unsaturated fats.

6. Eat regularly & spread throughout the day
To continuously stimulate your metabolism, it is important to eat regularly. Even if you only want to eat very quickly to lose weight, it is still important to distribute your meals regularly throughout the day. This way you also suffer less from hunger peaks. In short: waiting until you really can no longer handle your hunger does not help you lose weight.

7. Breakfast is important to lose weight quickly
Take always a (small) breakfast to lose weight quickly. It may sound somewhat contradictory, but research shows time and time again that consuming a breakfast makes weight loss more and faster. A breakfast activates your metabolism and results in you eating less in total every day.

8. Look at the composition of what you eat
Focus not only on the number of calories of your food but also look at the type of nutrients that your food contains. So saturated fats are an absolute deterrent if you want to lose weight quickly, while proteins can be very useful for losing weight quickly. Proteins are good for your muscles (which in turn burn calories) and also ensure that you are less hungry again.

9. Drink enough & sensible
You've already read above that green tea is good for weight loss, but do not forget to drink enough. Drink safely 1.5 to 2 liters per day. Your body, especially if you are losing weight super fast, needs moisture to drain waste and to be able to perform body processes (including losing weight) optimally. Just to be sure: drink preferably water or tea, and of course no soft drinks or other drinks with a lot of calories. Tip: take a large glass of water with every (small) meal, and you simply get a lot of extra fluid inside.

10. Do not get discouraged too quickly
Okay, you want to lose weight fast and you have so little time. But miracles do not exist and it is totally useless to stand on the scale all day if you want to lose weight as quickly as possible. Keep your courage, even if you do not see any results on the scale yet. By drinking a lot (tip 9) you can see extra "weight" on the scale while you are really burning fat super fast. So do not attach too much value to the number on the scale, but think logically after. If you follow the above diet tips for very fast weight loss, then you are doing well and you will soon see results!