Healthy Weight Loss Without Dieting Tips

Healthy weight loss is a wish of many. But where do you start? There is so much contradictory information on the internet that it is virtually impossible to know what you can do best to lose weight. Do you have to count calories, do yourself in the gym or avoid fats? I think you should not do any of this. Then what? I will explain that to you on this page.

Maybe you, like many people who want to lose weight, make the mistake of changing too much at once. For example, you go on a strict diet and do not eat anything anymore of the products you like to eat. So you might fall off in the first weeks, but you do not keep it full and come back after a while...

Do you know what is much smarter to do if you want to lose weight? Make gradual and minor adjustments.

For example, starting with weight loss can be as easy as changing your breakfast. Especially eating a high- protein breakfast is important. For example, there are two separate studies that show that people who traded their cereal-based breakfast (bread, muesli, cornflakes, etc.) for an egg-based breakfast automatically started to eat less and lost more weight. Without counting more calories or making other adjustments in their diet!

Why does it help to eat a protein-rich breakfast? Eggs are very satiating, they suppress hunger. As a result, you automatically eat less for the rest of the day, and even up to 36 hours after eating the eggs, according to one of the aforementioned studies.

What is more striking from the research is the larger decrease in weight that the group had eating eggs for breakfast instead of grain products, namely:
  • 65% more weight loss
  • 34% greater decrease in waist circumference
  • 16% greater decrease in body fat
Of course, there are more things you can do to lose weight than to just choose another breakfast (although it is probably a very sensible first move!). Below I explain the options for you.

How can I lose weight without following a diet?
Many people who want to lose weight choose to follow a diet. This is easy because you are told exactly when you have to eat something. The problem with dieting is that you cannot sustain it for a long time. Diets therefore almost always only result in temporary weight loss. In order to permanently lose weight, you will, therefore, have to ensure that you change your diet permanently and that you learn certain unhealthy habits.

Do you want to lose weight for an important event such as a holiday, wedding or party? A diet where you eat temporarily (much) less can sometimes offer a solution in such cases. But beware, the weight loss when following a diet is only temporary in more than 90% of the participants. If you still want to lose some kilos quickly, then I advise you to temporarily remove potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta from your diet. You can read how to do this in a healthy way on the page about following a low-carbohydrate diet.

How can you best start losing weight without a diet?
Almost everyone knows that in order to lose weight, care must be taken to ensure that more energy is used, than that that comes in via the diet. This balance between burning calories and the intake of calories can be changed in several ways. You can choose to eat less, to start exercising more, or to eat less as well as exercise more. From various studies, there is an increasingly clear picture that only (much) less food often does not result in permanent weight loss. To lose weight, you will have to eat differently (not necessarily less), and (something) have to exercise more. In short, you will have to adopt a healthy diet and exercise pattern.

Lose weight with a healthy diet and exercise pattern
Those who have a healthy diet, get enough of all the necessary nutrients. What does such a healthy diet look like? If you want to lose weight, it is in any case important that you eat meals with sufficient protein and fiber. These two nutrients saturate, and therefore help to suppress the hunger.

Do you want to lose weight? If you at least meet a few of the conditions below, you are guaranteed to end up in a healthy way:
  • Eat a diet that is low-glycemic: based on lean animal protein (chicken, poultry, fish, and eggs), nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, and fruit.
  • Do not drink calories - do not take soft drinks (no light), fruit juices, sweetened drinks and no more than 3-4 glasses of wine or alcohol per week with meals.
  • Avoid grains - including gluten-free flour products. Grain products, even wholemeal flour, act as sugar in your body and make you fatter.
  • Avoid as much factory food as possible - factory-made foods contain a lot of non-naturally occurring ingredients including glucose-fructose syrup, artificial colors, preservatives, and chemicals. If you have a product in the supermarket with a huge list of ingredients, then you do well to leave this product.
  • Eat more fat - mainly eat products with omega-3 oil such as sardines, avocados, nuts and wild salmon. Avoid refined and processed vegetable oils, with the exception of olive oil. Saturated fats such as those in butter and ghee are also good, be it in moderation. Beware of trans fats such as those found in cookies, snacks and fried foods. Deleting fat from your diet is not a strategy that works to lose weight. Despite all the advice of the last decades to remove fat if you want to lose weight. The famous Harvard University is now one of the first agencies that even propagates to eat more (natural) fat if you want to lose weight or live healthier. So do not be afraid to eat fat!
  • Move and become stronger: a combination of cardio and strength training is the key to losing healthy weight. Cardio provides a better condition and strength training builds muscles and improves the metabolism so you get a body with beautiful contours. By increasing your muscles in size you can also give your fat metabolism a huge boost. An excellent way to combine cardio training and strength training, get tight abdominal muscles and burn fat is training with a kettlebell.
  • Sleep and rest: those who sleep too little will have to deal with unpleasant side effects. This is how metabolism changes and people crave more carbohydrates and sugar. Sleeping is therefore sacred. Make sure the bedroom is not too warm and dark and stay there for 7 to 8 hours a night.
In addition, look carefully at these handy waste tips to make small adjustments to your diet that will help you lose weight. You can read on the waste tips page, for example, why it is important to have breakfast every day.