Getting Flat Belly Without Exercise, How Do You Do That?

Flat belly without exercise - Getting a flat belly is undoubtedly one of the most important reasons for starting weight loss. That does not only apply to women. Men also want a flat stomach with a lot of muscles and no fat. For a flat stomach, you have to burn more belly fat in the first place. You do this through a combination of healthy food, healthy eating, and adjusted abdominal exercises. What do you eat best to burn more belly fat to get a flat stomach?

How do you get a flat belly without exercise?
You do not get a flat stomach without effort. A big belly is the result of too much belly fat. Abdominal fat is not only a flat stomach in the road, it is also very unhealthy there. It not only makes extra hormones but also many chemical and most toxic substances.

These toxic substances spread between all our organs, muscles and body tissues.
Abdominal fat is not only a cause of obesity; but also of arteriosclerosis, life-threatening cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, disturbed cholesterol levels and diabetes.

Abdominal fat increases your risk of premature death.
In order to map out the consequences of obesity, more and more dieticians take your abdominal circumference as the basis instead of your Body Mass Index or BMI. In men, people speak of obesity with a circumference of 94 centimeters. In women, this limit is 80 centimeters.

Get a belly by burning more belly fat
Getting a flat stomach is actually simple. You get a flat stomach by burning more belly fat. Abdominal fat develops with too much energy. If you take in more calories than your body uses every day. That surplus of energy is stored as body fat.

You only get a flat stomach when you burn more fat.
This can be done by eating healthy, varied and balanced and exercising enough. Little food and a lot of sports, however, has unpleasant side effects. So you constantly walk around with a hunger feeling. By eating little, our brains do us more energy. That energy is stored as body fat.

You do not burn belly fat by eating less, but by choosing the right diet.
So food that quickly burns fat.

Getting a flat stomach without suffering hunger or counting calories

You do not get a flat stomach by suffering from hunger and constantly counting calories.
After all, one type of calories is not the other. Only by eating healthy food with the correct calories will you burn more belly fat and get a flat stomach. You have to be careful between calories from fat, calories from carbohydrates and calories from proteins.
  • Fat calories are mainly found in cold water fish, avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, linseed oil and in cashew nuts
  • Carbohydrate calories are present in potatoes, pasta, pasta, rice, noodles and in bread
  • Protein calories are mainly found in: fish, nuts, seeds, and in kernels
Excess fat burning is done by eating food with high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and slow carbohydrates. So without fast carbohydrates.
  • A flat stomach that you prefer with this food: many vegetables, fruits, and fruits, nuts, seeds, and seeds, but also lean meat, fish, and game.
In short, the food that our ancestors, the cavemen, already ate about a hundred thousand years ago. Refined white sugar, grains, saturated fat and trans fats make burning belly fat and a flat stomach impossible

Get a flat stomach without processed food

You also want to get a flat stomach, with lots of muscle and as little fat as possible?
Then eat as little processed food as possible, fried food, ready-made dishes and frozen meals. These are rich in fast carbohydrates and hidden sugars, saturated fats and trans fats, and little or no healthy nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. They do not add anything to our health and only provide more belly fat. Yet you have more than enough choice of healthy food.

For a flat stomach you only eat food from the following groups:
  • Vegetables: all kinds of vegetables as much as you like, and certainly green leafy vegetables such as spinach, endive, broccoli, green cabbage and lettuce
  • Fruit: never eat more than two pieces of fruit a day
  • Fish: especially fatty fish such as wild salmon, eel mackerel, trout, sardines, herring and anchovies
  • Eggs: choose eggs rich in unsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids. Eating two eggs daily (with your breakfast) is keeping your cholesterol levels in balance. Eggs give you a longer satiated feeling and less hunger. That way you eat less and you fall off more
  • Meat: prefer lean meat from exclusively grass-fed animals
  • Nuts, seeds, seeds and vegetable seeds
  • Healthy natural oils with unsaturated fats: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, linseed oil, walnut oil
  • Slow carbohydrates: quinoa, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal
  • High-quality proteins: proteins of animal origin are found mainly in meat, fish, crustaceans, and shellfish, in seafood and in dairy products. Food with proteins of vegetable origin can be found mainly in grains and in cereals, and legumes(beans, peas, vegetable seeds, lentils, and chickpeas)
  • Drinking: Drink three liters of water a day, which gives you a longer feeling of satisfaction. Herbal tea, green tea and two homemade green smoothies per day are also allowed