Lose Weigh By Cyclimg: How Efective Is Your Bike Or Exercise Bike?

Can you lose weight by cycling? This is entirely up to how you approach it. If you take the bike a few times a week for small trips, you will not notice results quickly.

If you really want to lose weight by cycling, you will have to make a plan and very often have to use the bicycle or exercise bike. It is also important to maintain a good cycling pace. Only then can I say that losing weight by cycling is a good method.

In this article, I tell you the advantages and disadvantages of cycling and give you more tips on what is the most effective bicycle pace.

If you live in the Netherlands, it is difficult to escape the bicycle. Almost everyone has one and often makes use of it. Very good! These people do not need to be sportive at all. They just grew up with it and see the benefits of using the bike.

Does not it occur to you that most people who see you on the bike still look fit? Those who cycle daily to work, school or other daily things, have an absolute advantage and are on average fitter and slimmer than those who prefer to leave their bikes in the barn.

Imagine that you no longer take the bus or car for small trips, but the bike? Then you will also see the benefits of this. Remember that it takes a while before you are as fit and slim as someone who has been cycling every day for years. You then have to catch up.

Nevertheless, losing weight by cycling is pretty effective and in addition to the daily bike rides, you can also make longer trips. Just as a good workout and to burn more calories.

Of course, it is always interesting to know how many calories you burn with a certain activity and so also with bicycles.

If you weigh 60 kilos and cycle at a normal pace for 30 minutes, you burn about 120 calories. If you weigh 90 kilos, you will burn around 180 calories at the same time and at the same pace.

That may not seem like much, but remember that you can keep cycling for a long time. For example, cycling has many more advantages.

For some people, the benefits of cycling weigh heavier than how quickly they can burn calories. Some advantages of bicycle weight loss are:
  • Most sports are stressful for your joints and can quickly lead to injuries. Cycling, on the other hand, does not burden your body. If you build it quietly and cycle at a leisurely pace, you have very Little chance of injuries and you can fall off with cycling.
  • Cycling makes your heart beat in a regular way, which is good for the burning of fat.
  • Cycling can reduce stress and feelings of depression.
  • The muscles in your legs and buttocks are made stronger by cycling, which makes these parts of the body look tighter.
  • Cycling is very easy . (Almost) everyone can do it.
  • You can cycle almost everywhere (especially in the Netherlands).
  • While cycling on an exercise bike, you can easily watch television.
  • Research by the British Medical Association has shown that only 30 km per week cycling can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 50%.
Of course, there are also a few disadvantages of losing weight by cycling:
  • You barely train your upper body, so that your stomach, chest, shoulders, and arms do not become stronger.
  • You need a bicycle or exercise bike. A good bicycle or exercise bike will easily cost hundreds of euros.
  • The burning of calories is not very fast.
  • To see the result, you will still have to cycle for 30 minutes at least 5 times a week.
You can do cycling with multiple methods. You can keep a steady pace, which you can also sustain for a long time. But as I said earlier, you do not burn a lot of calories quickly.

Are you an advanced cyclist or naturally sportive and do you like a solid work-out? Then I advise you to cycle with intervals. This is also called spinning and is very effective for burning fat. This way you can burn as many calories in a shorter time as if you had kept a steady and slower pace.

Your leg muscles will have to work harder, which will make them grow faster. That means that you will burn more calories when you are at rest. Your muscles need energy all day long.

Are you really going to follow a lesson spinning, then you will notice that you also have to adopt multiple types of postures. This will also allow you to train your upper body more, which certainly benefits the weight loss.

Whatever type of exercise you do, food remains the most important thing if you want to lose weight! The solution is not to follow a so-called fantastic diet, but you will have to adjust your lifestyle.

Therefore, without losing your diet, your efforts will yield little results.