Walking is one of the easiest ways to move, almost everyone can do it. That is precisely why it is also an excellent form of exercise that can help if you want to lose weight. On this page you can read what you should pay attention to lose weight successfully by walking.
Lose Weight By Walking
Many people think that it is not possible walking for weight loss. However, research shows otherwise: walking appears to be a good way to lose weight gradually and permanently.
You will burn fewer calories by walking than by running or doing any other intensive sport. The great advantage of walking, however, is that it is easy to maintain and fits well into everyday life.
Those who start walking should not expect spectacular short-term results, but those who persist will lose weight in the long term. Besides, this weight loss ways is often more definitive than the weight you lose with a diet.
How Many Calories Can I Burn While Walking?
A 70 kg person can burn about 80 calories per kilometer (10-14 minutes) walked. Who is heavier burns a little more, who is lighter, a little less?
How Long Do I Have To Walk To Lose Weight?
It is best to walk as much and as often as possible. However, how long you walk in a row and how fast you walk is also important.
Can I lose weight by walking 30 minutes every day? Studies show that women who do three short (about 30 minutes) but intensive walks per week and two slower walks per week lose up to 6x more belly fat than women who do 5 quiet walks per week.
What then is an intensive walk? An intensive walk is a walk where you just get a little warm from the walk. You do not have to sweat, but the breathing and heart rate must be slightly higher than during a quiet walk. This way you stimulate fat burning and circulation, which in turn helps protect against cardiovascular diseases and also improves metabolism. To give some extra intensity to the exercise, it can help to move your arms firmly.
How Should I Walk To Lose Weight?
Walking seems like a natural process that you don't have to think about at all. But there are certainly different ways to walk, and not all of them are equally effective. This is tips about how you make walking for weight loss:
- Walk with your chin up
Don't look at your feet when you walk, but keep your eye on the horizon. This way you keep your neck at the same height as your back.
- Tighten your abs
By tightening your abs, you ensure that you burn more energy, and you also immediately get the correct posture.
- Get off the paved road regularly
Walking on a sand or gravel path requires more energy than walking on a nicely paved road or footpath.
Combine Walking With Strength Training
Do you want the fastest and best possible result? Then combine your walks regularly with strength training. High-intensity strength training ensures the production of various hormones that help you burn fat.
What Else Should I Pay Attention To
Make small adjustments to your diet. I recommend that you eat more protein and dietary fiber and fewer carbohydrates.