Lose Weight Up To 5 Kilos With The 4-Day Diet

The 4-day diet is a diet that allows you to lose weight up to 5 kilos in 4 days. The 4-day diet is a heavy crash diet and therefore very difficult to sustain. Every person is different. This also means that it is not said that everyone will lose 5 kilos. This is partly dependent on the starting weight and how strict you are for yourself.

The 4 day diet is a crash diet
The 4 day diet falls into the category of crash diets . The crash diet is characterized by the fact that you do not eat more than 1,000 calories per day. You get less than half of that than an average body needs every day. A crash diet is therefore also called a low-calorie diet.

The advantage is that you can lose a lot in a short time. The disadvantage is that you can often hardly sustain a crash diet. Hunger often overcomes the urge to lose weight. Furthermore, it is unhealthy to follow a crash diet for more than a few days. Because you eat very little, you do not get enough healthy nutrients. It can also have a negative effect on the metabolism in the long term.

A crash diet of 4 days can not hurt, however. In fact, it can be ideal if you want to lose weight quickly. Do you want to look a bit slimmer at that wedding or party and do you have little time to lose weight? The 4-day diet can then be a good solution.

The diet plan for the 4-day diet
Below is an explanation of the diet plan. You can read exactly what you can eat per day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Day 1
Below the 4-day diet recipe for the first day.
  • Breakfast: the day starts with a breakfast consisting of a boiled egg, half grapefruit, a brown sandwich and a cup of skimmed milk.
  • Lunch: lunch consists of fresh fruit of your choice supplemented with low-fat yogurt and two rice cakes. The rice cakes may be replaced by two cräckers.
  • Evening dinner: a plate of salad with a dressing in the form of raspberry vinegar. The salad is supplemented with a bowl of cooked brown rice and a piece of a fried chicken breast (100 grams). For dessert, skim milk or Greek yogurt is prescribed (1 dish).
Day 2
Below the 4-day diet recipe for the second day.
  • Breakfast: the breakfast consists of a dish of muesli mixed with some strawberries or an apple. You can also eat half a grapefruit.
  • Lunch: Lunch is a salad supplemented with canned tuna and two spoons of olive oil. At the salad, you can eat a brown sandwich.
  • Evening dinner: the dinner consists of clear broth and fried chicken fillet or fish of your choice (100 grams). As a vegetable, you take cooked vegetables in the form of broccoli or cauliflower combined with a baked potato.
Day 3
Below the 4-day diet recipe for the third day.
  • Breakfast: the breakfast of low-fat yogurt supplemented with pieces of fruit and a slice of brown bread with low-fat spreadable cheese (or regular cheese). As the fruit, you can take a grapefruit.
  • Lunch: lunch is soup (a cup soup) supplemented with a brown sandwich with skimmed chicken or turkey fillet. You can also add cucumber, lettuce, and tomato to the sandwich.
  • Evening dinner: as an evening meal you take half a bowl of brown pasta with fresh tomato sauce. In addition, you can serve 150 grams of fish of your choice if it is cooked or steamed.
Day 4
  • Breakfast: a fruit salad made with apple, mandarin and a pear mixed with Greek yogurt.
  • Lunch: lunch consists of a brown sandwich with a slice of cheese (30+) and slices of tomato.
  • Evening dinner: tonight there is a delicious roast steak (100 grams) on the menu, complemented with capers with salt and pepper if you like.
The snacks
During the day you can take a number of snacks. In addition, water is an essential part of the 4-day diet. The recommendation is to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

Snacks in combination with the 4-day diet:
  • Fruit such as apple, pear, mandarin. Be careful with bananas that contain relatively many calories.
  • Water, coffee, and tea
  • Sweet pepper and carrots
If you are really hungry, eat a protein-rich snack such as a boiled egg.

Is sport necessary or not necessary?
To further enhance the weight loss effect, you can exercise next to the diet. Please note that due to sports, it will become even heavier to adhere well to the diet guidelines during these 4 days.

Do you still want to exercise please pay attention. It can be very much a form of training/exercise you are going to use. For example, many people think that endurance sport is the most ideal for becoming slimmer. Yet this is not necessarily true.

Personally, I think that variety and combination of different types of exercise are much more effective. In addition, it is often also more fun to do. And you can also do something that is fun to do much better.

Alternative to the 4-day diet
The 4-day diet is a good diet if you want to lose weight quickly. If you want to lose weight structurally and go slimmer and more vital to life, the 4-day diet is not suitable.

A 4-day diet can not last the rest of your life. That is why it is best to look for a diet that can be maintained. So that there is a balance between the incoming and outgoing calories. You can read how this works exactly in this article about losing weight.

If you want to lose weight fast, shakes can be very helpful. A good diet shake does not only deliver fast results. It can also help you on your way to a healthier diet. It has also been proven that losing weight with shakes ultimately leads to better long-term results.