Lose Weight Fast After Baby Without Diet

Lose weight fast after baby is important for many women. But how do you handle that? Lose weight fast without following a diet. Who would not want that? Especially if a few pregnancy silos have lingered. The following recommendations are (almost) natural.

Drink green tea
If you drink two to three large cups of green tea per day, you will lose about 1.3 kilos in four to twelve weeks. Without you having to do anything else. That's because green tea reduces your appetite and speeds up your metabolism. For an optimal effect, you should let the water cool for about ten minutes after cooking and let the tea infuse for three to five minutes.

Walk (with your baby)
Walking is one of the best ways to gradually and permanently lose weight. If you have a baby, it is usually easy to fit into your daily life. Start with fifteen minutes a day and build it up to an hour. Even more fun: do it together with other mothers-in-law in the neighborhood. Do not expect a quick result. Whoever perseveres will lose weight clearly in the long term.

Use small plates
Using small plates is a proven method for eating less. A small plate seems to be full faster. And a full plate means a complete meal for your brain. A half-filled plate gives the signal that you only get a minimum time (even if you eat an equally large portion). The ideal diameter of a plate is 15 cm according to the American Cornell University. Quick pull? Instead of three large meals, eat six times a healthy, smaller portion with plenty of whole-grain starchy products. This keeps your stomach filled and you will not need to snack quickly.

Dance (with your baby)
Lose weight fast after your birth is easy to dance through. Anyone can do it. You can do it at home with your baby in your arms or while sitting in the bouncy seat. For entertainment. When you dance you are very much in motion and often you do not notice that you are exercising. Moreover, you usually get happy too.

Drink your coffee black
Drinking your coffee without milk and sugar saves 28 calories per cup. Per day (three cups) that is 84 calories and a month about 2520 kcal. Leaving only the milk saves thirteen calories per cup. So if you drink three cups a day, that's about 1170 kcal per month. It is a bit of a change, but you get used to it, really!

Snack good
Catch up your snacking attacks with small portions of healthy things that you have already packed in bags. For example, dried fruit, nuts, (spelled) cracker with sesame, snack vegetables as carrots and cherry tomatoes or a handful of sunflower seeds. All nutritious things that ensure that you are not hungry again. Because you see that the amount is limited, you probably eat with more attention. And thus you eat less again.

Take naps (with your baby)
Parents who get enough sleep are exhausted and therefore less inclined to start to frolic. Parents with a sleep deprivation often try (unconsciously) to compensate their tired feelings with high-calorie foods such as biscuits, chips, and chocolate. If you do not get enough sleep at night, take a nap with your baby during the day.

Get rid of the scale
Do not stare yourself blind on the scale. That is because your body weight naturally fluctuates too much. Better is not to weigh yourself at all, after all, it is about feeling comfortable in your own body (and being able to take your favorite pants from before the pregnancy).

Bonus tip: drink water
Did you know that with water (or fresh fruit juice) you can also reduce the appetite? Most people drink too little water, which causes the body to retain more fluid. That may sound strange, but when you drink enough water, the body needs less fluid. Your body will know that there is enough water in your area. This can save a few kilos.