Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

Lose weight fast without exercise, a question that I encounter a lot. And it is absolutely possible to lose weight, without having to bump into the gym or having to run. The biggest mistake I also see is that people think they can fall off with sports, without doing anything about the eating pattern. It often works the other way around: 80% can be achieved with food, 20% with sports. I also always recommend to work on your diet first. Then you can always decide to work with sports on a tighter body or more endurance. Even then, it is not wise to simply deposit on cardio. In order to subsequently use optimal sport, a combination of cardio and strength training is the best way.

Of course, exercise is healthy, that is not what this article is about. I only show you that exercise is not a necessity to lose weight fast.

But how do you do that? Lose weight fast without exercise. I hereby answer the 4 most frequently asked questions. As already indicated above, you really need to find a way to adjust your eating habits. And that works wonders for your body.

I do not fall off because I do not sport?

Whether you dislike sports or because you are not able to exercise due to circumstances, the most important cause that you do not lose is in your diet. And then it is mainly about the fast carbohydrates and sugars that you take. Does your diet look something like this?
  • Breakfast: 2 slices of bread with jam and fruit hail
  • In between: Gingerbread / Sultana
  • Lunch: 3 slices of bread with cheese and ham
  • In between: Cup of tea with biscuit or fruit
  • Evening meal: Potatoes with vegetables and meat
  • In between: Cup of coffee with gingerbread or biscuit
Then your diet (unconsciously often) contains a lot of fast carbohydrates and sugars. Even if you pay attention to what you eat, if the basis of your diet consists of bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, gingerbread, possibly light products and here and there a cookie, then that is a diet that does not waste you.

Carbohydrates and sugars are trapped in the so-called sugar addiction , with blood sugar fluctuations. These carbohydrates thus make it very difficult to burn your body fat. You can exercise as much as you like, as long as you eat a lot of carbohydrates, you will be very difficult to lose weight. Even though you still sweat so little and count your calories neatly. Carbohydrates and sugars are saboteurs and not the fact that you do not sport.

Lose weight fast without exercise, what should I do?

That is to adjust your diet to a low- carbohydrate or restricted diet . And that is removing all fast carbohydrates and sugars in your diet, but adding more proteins and fats. And especially do not eat less. You will have to eat differently, then your body automatically goes into fat burning without any sports.

Here is a short overview of what you can and can not eat to make a good start with losing weight.

  • All low-carbohydrate vegetables
  • Nutrition with healthy fats
  • Enough protein
  • Fruit
  • Breakfast cereals as sugared muesli
  • Gingerbread, cakes, granola bars
  • Cookies, chips, pretzels
  • Fast food
  • Ready-made meals
  • Everything from packages and bags such as soups, sauces, casseroles
  • Breaded, fried and processed food
  • Soft drinks, fruit juices
In addition to adjusting your diet, you can also tackle other issues from your lifestyle:
  • Drink more water
  • Sleep well
  • Limiting stress
  • Do not drink alcohol
  • 3 meals and 3 snacks to eat
  • Keep a nutrition diary to understand what you eat and how you feel
What should I do especially if I want to lose weight fast without exercise?

We are used to, if we want to lose weight, we just have to eat less and especially have to eat less. Nothing is less true, because losing weight is no longer a matter of counting calories, eating less and exercising more. You have to adjust your diet without starving yourself. The biggest pitfall that people kick in is to eat too little. With the result that you start to experience hunger, your body will break down muscle mass and your body will eventually end up in a low-energy mode. So ... .you look at your whole diet, do not really put yourself on a hunger diet, but especially limit your carbohydrate intake. And that which you reduce in carbohydrates, you supplement with enough protein and fat.

Other things you should not do:
  • Thinking as a diet thinker, focus more on change than on kilos
  • Do not listen to your body, what is your 'head hunger' and what is your 'stomach hunger'
  • Eating away emotions, do not shy away from emotions, but try to get insights into your emotions in relation to food
  • Not acknowledging your pitfalls, you are now taking a step towards change, but pitfalls from the past will not just suddenly disappear. Pay attention to this
How much can I lose weight fast without exercise?

I also often get this question without hearing the term 'sports'. I know you want to lose weight quickly and want to hear how much that is. It is often thought that if you do not play sports, you will not fall as quickly. The crazy thing is, this is not the case. Think of that 80/20 rule at the beginning of this article. Only I can not make any statements about this. Because every body is different. Every body reacts differently. Also, know that low-carbohydrate eating is much more than losing weight in kilos. You burn fat which you often see faster in centimeter loss than the actual kilos on the scale. Make sure to shift your goal from losing weight in kilos to a healthy diet and a healthy body. Those kilos follow automatically, even if you do not exercise.