Lose Weight Fast Using Laxatives

Many people think that they can lose weight fast by using laxatives. However, structurally healthy weight loss with laxatives is not only impossible but also very dangerous. It is a special emergency method that is not recommended for when you are serious about weight loss. Below you can read why.

What are laxatives?
A laxative is a medication used for constipation. If there is a strong problem, you can use a laxative. A laxative contains the substance lactulose; when this enters the colon, the intestinal bacteria will convert this into natural acids. As a result, your intestines will retain more fluid, the volume of your stool will increase and your intestines will work harder.

Why can not you really lose weight fast with laxatives?
The function of a laxative is to initiate a slow bowel action. When you take laxatives your stool will leave the body faster, but that is all laxatives do for you. The food that has been consumed is already absorbed by your body and it makes no difference whether or not you use laxatives.

You do not consume extra energy or fat when using these products. It can, of course, give you an enlightened feeling, but that is all.

But I'm lighter after using laxatives:
When you take laxatives, your stool becomes softer, so it is important to drink a lot more to avoid a shortage of fluid. Because you lose a lot of fluid you will temporarily weight slightly less. Keep in mind that you are only lost moisture and no fat. You will also soon be back to your old weight when your intestines have recovered. In the short term, you lose a bit of weight, but it is not a structural solution.

Dangers of laxatives
There are the following hazards when using laxatives:
  • You can easily get a moisture shortage.
  • Laxatives can disturb the natural intestinal flora.
  • Laxatives sometimes cause severe abdominal cramps.
  • Some laxatives work addictive.
  • Laxatives can cause nausea and vomiting.
It is therefore advisable to be very cautious when using laxative pills or drugs. In order to be able to slim down properly, there are much better means to find.

Structurally healthy weight loss with laxatives is therefore not possible
Like weight loss pills, laxatives are a bad way to lose weight effectively and effectively. Slimming through a healthy and balanced diet and more exercise works on the other hand and is also good for your health.