Lose Weight Fast Drinking Water

All functions of our body consume water. Everybody cell needs water to function. Drinking water ensures that organs can continue to function, and that body functions can be performed quickly and efficiently. Drinking enough water, therefore, provides more energy and increases our metabolism by about 3 percent.

If you want to lose weight fast is to drink plenty of water at all important because research has shown that thirst and merge hunger in most cases. If you are slightly dehydrated, it is easy to confuse the feeling of feeling thirsty with a hunger. You will then eat instead of drinking water, while you are actually thirsty, and not hungry. In itself that is not bad because in almost all solid foods also water, but you will get extra calories ... And that is not necessarily advisable if you want to lose weight.

Drinking enough water, therefore, helps you lose weight fast because then you start to eat less quickly. Below you can read all about the connection between losing weight and drinking water ...

How much water per day drink?

How much water you have to drink per day depends on your body weight. On average, a person must drink 1.8 liters of water per day. If you are on a diet, it is not bad to drink more water than this guideline. If you want to know exactly how much water you should drink per day on the basis of your weight, you must drink 0.03 liters of water per kilogram of body weight. For someone who weighs 70 kilos, that is 70 x 0.03 = 2.1 liters of water per day.

If you move a lot, you can safely drink more than this directive, because you quickly sweat half a liter during exercise. Drinking plenty of water before, during and after exercise also gives you more energy, and it helps to shorten the recovery period.

Many people do not like water. By eating fruit with a high moisture content (such as oranges and apples) you can still get a lot of water without drinking it. Fruit also helps to fill your stomach with relatively few calories.

Thin + slimming thanks to water with every meal

You can lose weight fast in a simple way and lose weight fast during a diet (and if you are not on a diet, of course as well) by drinking two normal glasses of water for every large meal. Thin and slimming then go about 2.5 kilos per 12 weeks faster than if you would not take drinking water. This is because you are full earlier, and because of that, you eat a little less with every meal. A very good habit if you want to lose a few pounds!

Drink too much water ...

You can also drink too much water, this is called water poisoning. If you drink too much water, the plasma part of your blood (the liquid part) increases too much, resulting in a too low salt content. Especially if you also exercise intensively, you will also lose more salt through the sweat. This can cause problems with your brain and your muscles (including your heart). However, drinking too much water usually only occurs in marathon runners and young children, but rarely in people who do normal activities in the day.