5 Kilos Lose Weight Fast in 7 Days

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Read in this article how you can lose weight fast 5 kilos or more in 7 days. This way you can easily show up in your bikini again in tight pants or with confidence. There are several successful diets to find where you can lose a few pounds in a few days. These range from 5-day courses with a reasonable diversity of foods to 9-day hospital diets where you eat the same thing 3 times for 3 days. We discuss the best way.

Not too often
For a few days, the body can handle a crash diet but do not follow such a diet for longer than the indicated days and certainly not more than once every 2 months. These diets are too one-sided and that leads to serious vitamin and mineral deficiencies with all the consequences. With a diet in which you lose 1 kilogram per week, you end up less quickly after the diet and you inflict less damage on your body than a diet where you lose 1 kilo a day.

The disadvantages of losing weight quickly
The advantages of rapid weight loss are so obvious that we do not have to mention them extra. However, there are a number of drawbacks to losing weight fast in 7 days and it is certainly not unimportant to mention this.
  • Your body will come to the 'reserve position' as it were because it does not get enough nutrients. This means that your metabolism will work slower, which will result in you immediately coming back to the moment you start eating normally again. This is a characteristic that many low-calorie diets suffer from - such as the 1000-calorie diet.
  • You do not only lose fluid during a so-called crash diet. Fat burning does take place but also your muscle mass is broken down by the lack of sufficient calories that you ingest. That is also the main reason that you cannot sustain such a diet for too long because you are actually en route to a state of malnutrition.
  • When you regularly follow a diet in which you can quickly lose weight in 7 days, the metabolism will work more economically. Where you average an average of 2000/2500 in an average movement as a man and as a woman you burn 1700/2200 kilocalories per day, you can still arrive at a kilocalorie intake of around 1500 after many crash diets.
Lose weight fast in 7 days
If your weight is not too far above your ideal BMI ( body mass index ) and you do not regularly apply such a diet, a kilogram or a weight loss fast in 7 days can do no harm. Drink plenty of water during such a diet, 3 lt per day is not too much. Do not suddenly throw up all sorts of delicacies you have had after your diet and if you are not sure about your health, consult a doctor first. Better, however, is a continually healthy lifestyle in which you eat healthy and exercise sufficiently.

Do not eat until you feel hungry and stop before you are full. Your brain will only get the signal full after 20 minutes later. You will notice that if you still have a good appetite during the meal, this will automatically turn over half an hour later. Just a few pounds in 7 days is easy to do and can not do much harm if you do not do it too often and take a healthy lifestyle outside the diet periods.