Lose Weight Fast In One Week

A military diet is primarily intended for all those who want to lose weight fast as much as possible in one week. With this military diet, this is perfectly possible. Up to an average of 5 kilos in just 1 week.

This military diet is also known as the 3-day diet. During this period you eat healthily but you get an absolute minimum of calories.

Is it a good idea to finally lose your overweight with a military diet and are there no healthier alternatives?

A military diet helps you lose weight as much as possible in the shortest possible time. In our view, this is the definition of a crash diet and we never found out.

Such a crash diet is very unhealthy and not efficient due to its extreme character. It is impossible to sustain such a diet for a long time. After a short, while you will relapse into your old (read unhealthy) lifestyle habits so that the kilos return faster than you lost them with the crash diet.

So you weigh quickly more than at the start of your diet and that can not be the intention?

Yet this does not mean that the military diet cannot be useful.

With a few adjustments, you make a healthy diet from this military diet. And that is necessary if you want to lose weight permanently without the dreaded yo-yo effect.

Lose weight fast in one week without yo-yo effect does not work with a diet. You need a healthy eating and living pattern for that.

Why would you follow a military diet?

Because in a military diet also attention is paid to sufficient exercise, those who want to do something about their obesity think they are doing well with this diet.

The results achieved with this diet are only of very short duration.

The excess weight that you lose in this way only concerns fluid and ... muscles and no stored body fat.

If you want to achieve and maintain your healthy target weight, you do not do muscle reduction, on the contrary. Muscles help us lose weight. The larger your muscle mass, the more fat you burn, even if you sleep. So in a healthy eating and living pattern, you grow more muscles instead of reducing them

Yet not everything is wrong what the military diet prescribes. With some adjustments, it is even an excellent way to lose weight fast in one week.

You can and can not do this in a military diet

In a military diet, you eat the first three days as little as possible so that you get a minimum of calories. Of course, you fall off very quickly in this way.

With the military diet, you are seriously at risk of a lack of healthy nutrients.

With the military diet, you get a maximum of between 750 and 900 calories every day.

In a normal healthy diet, this limit applies to men on average 2500 and for women on 2000 calories.

To achieve your goal:
  • You eat as few fats, sugars and starchy products as possible
  • Replace your refined white sugar with stevia only
  • Drink as much water as possible: at least 2.5 and at most 4 liters per day. After all, you can also drink too much water and drinking water is unhealthy. Drinking enough water is necessary to prolong your feeling of satiety and to clean your body of all toxic waste that accumulated in it
  • You eat three times a day and do not skip any meals
  • Eating between meals is strongly discouraged
  • Drink as little as possible and preferably no soft drinks, also no light variants and fruit and fruit juices
  • Coffee and tea without milk and sugar: are allowed
Adapted diet plan

In a military diet, you eat three days as limited as possible. You eat naturally and simply. After these three days, you switch to your normal diet. Of course, you eat healthy, balanced and varied with lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, unprocessed nuts, seeds, seeds, wholemeal products and fatty fish.

You eat this on day 1:
  • As a healthy breakfast: eat 1/2 grapefruit, 1 toasted whole wheat sandwich with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and 1 cup of coffee or tea without sugar or milk
  • For lunch or lunch: 1 half can of tuna, 1 toasted sandwich without butter and 1 cup of coffee or tea without sugar or milk
  • As a dinner or supper: 100 grams of lean meat (preferably chicken or turkey, 1 cup of green beans, 1 half banana, 1 apple and 1 tablespoon of sugar-free vanilla ice cream
You eat this on day 2:
  • For breakfast: 1 egg prepared as you wish, 1 toasted sandwich and 1 half banana
  • For lunch or lunch: 1 cup of low-fat nature quark without any addition, 1 hard-boiled egg, and 5 crackers
  • As dinner or supper: 2 hot dogs without bread, 1 sprout of broccoli, 1 half cup of carrots, 1 half banana and 1 tablespoon of sugar-free vanilla ice cream
You eat this on day 3:
  • For breakfast: 5 crackers, 1 apple and 1 small slice of low-fat cheese (20+) of your choice
  • For lunch or lunch: 1 egg and 1 toasted wholegrain sandwich
  • For dinner or supper: 1 can of tuna, 1 half of banana and 1 tablespoon of sugar-free vanilla ice cream
Adjustments to make a healthy diet healthy to burn more fat and lose weight fast.

A military diet is a crash diet and that is not a good way to lose weight fast in one week. After all, you only lose fluid and muscles and no fat, so you immediately add to this extreme military diet.

With these adjustments, a military diet is a good basis for losing your overweight:
  • Eat a healthy, balanced and varied as possible. You do that with natural food without any more addition
  • Replace the hot dogs from day 2 with lean meats such as chicken and turkey
  • Eat 250 grams of vegetables daily and two different pieces of fruit
Healthy adjustments to make the military diet a healthy way to lose weight fast in one week are undoubtedly the many healthy diet tips.