5 Special Workouts for Lose Weight

Losing weight does not happen automatically. The panacea that causes the kilos to fly off without any problems, unfortunately, does not exist. One way to lose weight is by moving next to a diet and doing special workouts for losing weight.

What can you do best? Which sport, how often per week? You obviously have fitness. But some people find that in the long run too boring or monotonous. Below you can read about five special workouts for weight loss. You can do them all at home or in the park.

1. Staircases
If you are not moving at all right now, you can start by changing your patterns. Take the bike instead of the car, the stairs instead of the elevator. You consume more energy - a first step to losing weight. Especially the staircase is a tremendously useful exercise tool. You use it naturally to reach a destination and it is extremely effective for fat burning.

After a while, you can do a whole workout on the stairs. You start with a warm up by walking up and down the stairs for a minute. Then you walk up the stairs three times with two steps at the same time and down as quickly as possible. Then "skate" the stairs three times, where you go up one step at each step. Then you go up three times as you jump with two feet to the next step in a squad. You finish with a minute as fast as possible up and down the stairs. This is a spirited workout that you can continue to build on.

2. Running a special waste schedule and walking
If you are heavily overweight you better not (only) run to lose weight, but this build up with walking. You train three days a week. You alternate between (intensive) exercise and rest. Through this interval training, you lose weight as quickly as possible and you also improve your fitness.

Week 1
1) 4 x 5 minutes walking, 1-minute rest
2) 2 x 10 minutes walking, 2 minutes rest
3) Same as day 1

Week 2
1) 6 x 1 minute running, 1 minute walking
2) walking 10 minutes on pace
3) walking 25 minutes quietly

Week 3
1) 8 x 1 minute running, 1 minute walking
2) walking 15 minutes on pace
3) walking 35 minutes quietly

This you build up further and further until you can walk for half an hour, alternating with walking.

3. Combination strength and condition
With this workout for weight loss, you train twice a week "long" (20 - 30 minutes) and three times "short" (5 minutes). You do 20-minute fitness training (such as climbing stairs or jumping rope), supplemented with 4 or more strength training exercises, which last at least 1 minute.

1) Abdominal muscle exercise: You lie on your back with your legs raised vertically. You lower your legs as far as possible and bring them back to the starting position.
2) Push-ups on hands and knees.
3) Knee bends (start with two legs, later with one leg)
4) Keep your hands stretched out horizontally, turning circles that slowly become bigger and then smaller again

4. Workout jumping rope
This is a practical example of an interval training that you can easily do at home or in the park. You need a jump rope and a room where you can jump rope. The workout lasts 15 minutes. This is a good workout for weight loss and also ensures that you get stronger muscles. You also improve your motor skills in a fun way.

You start with a warming. Hold the handles of the rope in one hand and swing it in a pattern of eight. Then the training starts. You jump for two minutes, then you wave again for a minute with the rope. Then jump again for two minutes, then wave another minute. This is how you continue until you are busy for 15 minutes. For the change, you can vary with jumping. For example, jumping from front to back, jumping extra high, or jumping with one foot.

5. Lose weight by breathing
A Japanese has developed a new workout to lose weight. The starting point of this way of losing weight is breathing. You must apply two breathing techniques. This will only cost you five minutes each day. Whether this really works is still the question. Many people are critical and say that training your breathing is a good start, but ultimately not enough to really lose weight.

Tip! An excellent workout program with simple exercises is the Kettlebell Workout Program. With this pleasant workout course, you can do all the exercises at home which saves you time. The exercises are also very effective and purely aimed at losing excess weight.