3 Reasons Why You Go Lose Weight By the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet has become very popular in America because it helps people to achieve their optimal weight. Whether this means that you want to build muscle, want to relate fat or want to do both.

In addition, the Paleo diet also helps to make your skin beautiful again, reduces the chance of developing heart complaints and diabetes. But for most, the change seen in the body is the most important.

At this moment I will focus on how a Paleo diet helps you to lose weight. And for the skinny people who wonder whether this diet can also help to get heavier, the answer is "Yes" but more about this later.

Here are the top 3 reasons why you will fall off with the Paleo diet and become slim:

1. You do not eat junk anymore.
No? Probably. You only think yourself that it is not a mess.

Your bread, cookies, candy, crackers, chips, tortillas, sandwich wraps, rice, pasta and everything else with the addition of sugar is junk. Those things are full of calories and low in nutritional value, especially if they are made from grain, which is quite a waste of your taste. This diet mainly consists of carbs, which ensures that if you do not consume them immediately, you store it in your body as fat.

Refined carbohydrates (and grains in general anyway) have a very negative effect on the blood sugar level.

If you get a peak in your blood sugar (you know, the uneasy feeling you get when you eat a box of candy and the crash you feel afterwards), it causes you to put your body in a state where it is easily fat stores the insulin and cortisol peaks that you pump into your body. More about this in another article.

Because the Paleo way of life takes the grains and saturated sugars from your diet, you will not eat anything that is not full of nutritional value. The high-quality protein you will eat will promote muscle building and will keep your sugar level in balance.

The healthy fats will become your fuel, and the fruits and vegetables are a perfect source of nutritional value, fiber and complex carbohydrates (carbs).

This is all but "junk".

2. You Will Stop Holding Moister.
Something interesting happens when we eat carbs. Our cells retain water from carbohydrates. It is a beautiful thing in the human body that allows us to deliver physical work without having to drink a huge amount of water. When you start talking to glucose in the body (glycogen), water is released into your body.

That was fantastic in the days when we were hunters, but now that we have all kinds of office jobs with which we earn money, to buy food in the supermarket, this is no longer necessary. Yet we eat much more carbohydrates than before in the form of grains and extra sugars, and so we carry a lot of extra weight with us in the form of water.

When you switch to Paleo for the first time, you will notice that you are really thirsty at the beginning and that you are doing many more visits to the toilet to discharge this water. Along with losing weight during this process, your bloated legs and feet, the swelling under your eyes and your bloated hands will also become a lot less.

3. You Do not Eat Food More What You Are Sensitive To.
What are gluten, and what do I mean by being sensitive to this?

Gluten is proteins that you find in:
  • wheat
  • spelled
  • oats
  • rye
  • barley
If the product does not state that it is "gluten-free" then you have to deal with it. Gluten is found in bread, pasta, biscuits, crackers, almost all desserts, tortillas, soups, cereals, beer, etc, etc.

If you are sensitive to something, it simply means that your immune system will respond to this food in a certain way. It is not necessarily an "allergy" as the doctor will say, but your immune system is affected. Recent research (4 April 2016) shows that this is not a "monkey" story. People can be sensitive to everything and can suffer from the symptoms. As an example, some people get a headache when they eat bread. Just normal bread.

People often lose weight if they stop eating food that they are sensitive to. This happens because your body will retain moisture (yes, again moisture) if it tries to protect itself from something; the moisture is there as a kind of buffer. So if you take the food out of your diet that "attacks" your body, the water will also disappear.

Food sensitivity can also cause problems with your hormones, and we already know that the hormone system has a lot to do with your body weight.

Because the Paleo diet removes a lot of food that people can be sensitive to, such as gluten, dairy, soy and refined sugars, there is a good chance that you will experience a positive reaction if you do not eat this food on a regular basis.

That's it! I can tell you honestly that I have never heard anyone (after hours and hours searching for Paleo articles) who started with a Paleo diet and NO weight is lost if this was not necessary. If you eat the way you are meant to eat as a person, then your body will finally have the opportunity to look good, hmm.