15 Tips For Healthy And Lose Weight Fast

Planning a crash diet fast to get rid of those last kilos is not a good idea. More even, you better lose weight in a healthy, gradual way. We give you 15 ready and feasible tips to lose weight responsibly.
  1. Eating healthy and exercising more is the key to a successful diet. Wonder diets do not exist.
  2. Eat six meals a day: three main meals and three healthy snacks. Skipping meals is not a good idea because you are guaranteed to start nibbling. When you eat at fixed times, you have more control over your diet.
  3. Cooking without fat is possible. Steam, poach or grill your meat and fish.
  4. Move every half hour every day. You do not have to go to the gym for exercise you can easily integrate into your daily life. Take the stairs more often, go to work by bike, take a walk after work at work,...
  5. Drink a lot of water. Water drinking promotes metabolism and helps to burn fat. Do not you just like water? Put a few drops of lemon in your glass and you immediately get a different taste.
  6. Stand straight or walk around if you have to wait somewhere. You consume 50 calories when you walk around for 15 minutes.
  7. Do not skip breakfast. The breakfast is the most important meal of the day and put in motion the engine of your body. A hearty breakfast with fruit, wholemeal bread, and a dairy product helps you lose weight.
  8. Do not put your pots and pans on the table but leave them on the stove. People are more likely to eat more if the cooking pots are in front of them.
  9. Sleep 8 hours a night. Too little sleep makes you tired and makes you grab quicker to unhealthy foods. Too much sleep makes you lazy again and you move less.
  10. The right herbs can replace greasy sauces without losing your taste. Dressings are also a good alternative.
  11. Do not eat too often and avoid having lunch in the cafeteria of your work. When you prepare your own meals at home, you have more control over the portions. Moreover, you know perfectly how many calories your meal contains. This will help you with your goal to lose weight.
  12. Keep a diet diary. Write down what you eat every day and you will be amazed at the amount of food that you eat every day. Keeping a diet diary ensures that you are more aware of eating and faster weight loss.
  13. Eat slowly. Only after twenty minutes, your brain will send the signal that you are satisfied. The faster you eat, the more calories you absorb.
  14. Do not be too strict for yourself. It does not hurt to eat your favorite dish or dessert at the weekend. Think of it as a reward for all the hard work you provide during the week.
  15. Find a diet buddy. Slimming is easier if you do it together. You will be less inclined to give up and at difficult times you can motivate each other.