Fast Weight Loss For Men: 3 Effective Tips

The start of a new year is the ideal moment for many men to start with an objective. Like losing a few pounds, living healthier or doing more exercise. Many men, however, struggle to achieve their goal. The first weeks of January everyone is still busy with his good intentions, but how many are there in March. Recognizable….?

The main reason why you do not achieve your objective is the lack of focus. You are quickly distracted because there are temptations. It is not fun to be allowed to eat or drink certain things. Moreover, it is not always fun to drag yourself to the gym. To help you with this, my three tips for men and keeping your focus on your way to your goal.

Tip 1: Start today
Write for yourself what your goal is and what the deadline is! The latter is very important as people who do not set a deadline run the risk of delaying things. Maybe you recognize that: 'I start with parties after that weekend' or 'I'll start after that important deadline'. I'll give you a tip. If you really want to lose weight, start today. There is always something that plays, and the right moment is never there.

Tip 2: Write the positive effect
Write down for yourself why this is important to you. What is the positive effect of your objective? This keeps you sharp during the process. Your goal can be 5 kg of fat loss, for example, but '5 kg' does not say so much. Only when you elaborate on this goal does it get value. For example, 5 kg can mean that you have more confidence, that it is more fun to go out or that you are no longer ashamed when you are at the beach. It can also give an impulse to your love life, sex life, career etc. So think about the positive effect of your goal and write it down. These are the things that make it worthwhile.

Extra tip: read this list daily, make it visible. Maybe something too private to hang the life-size in the living room, but hang it on your mirror, in the bathroom or on the fridge. It keeps you sharp!

Tip 3: Train yourself on breaking barriers
Go through walls! Unconsciously no one really wants to change. No matter how bad your situation is, we all have trouble doing things differently than we did. Behavioral change is the hardest thing there is, you realize that. If you want to change something about your physical, you have to change something about your mindset.

Know that resistance that you encounter on the road to the goal is essential and good! All you have to do is break this barrier.

A barrier may be that you have to make an effort to adjust your diet. You have to think about it beforehand, free up time and maybe even plan things like shopping and cooking. Another barrier may be that you have to start moving more, even if you do not feel like it at all. It also takes a time that you can not spend on friends, family, and work.

A barrier then comes, and then again, and again thereafter. At a certain point, you will notice that it is easier for you to get rid of the resistance. That is the moment that you have changed a bit. So keep full, results will come naturally!