Lose Weight Fast 1 For 5 Kilos In A Month

A nutrition plan, balanced and varied, is our first important step towards achieving and maintaining our healthy target weight. In a recent contribution, we discussed extensively the basic principles of a healthy diet for lose weight fast 5 kilos in one month. And now say for yourself, who do not want that now?

To achieve your goal of losing 5 kilos of overweight in one month, we help you with a healthy diet plan for the coming days. A shopping list is part of this. For a healthy diet plan, you must have the most healthy ingredients.

How does a healthy diet plan to make 5 kilos lose weight fast in a month?

Do you think it's best to get five kilos lighter in one month? 5 kilos in one month is a realistic weight loss to keep you healthy at the same time. Not only that. With an average weight loss of just over one kilo per month, you are permanently lost and therefore never come back.

If you stick to a healthy, balanced and varied diet plan of course. That is so much better than a diet that you will never last long.

After a short adjustment period, you can easily maintain a healthy diet plan for life.

Good preparation lays the foundation for successful loses weight fast in a month. This can be done with a healthy diet for every day, and that for our breakfast as well as our lunch or lunch and for our dinner (supper).

We can only draw up a healthy diet plan with healthy ingredients.

We may sin one day and eat what we want. Preferably as healthy as possible. We choose the day itself. Make sure that there are at least three days between two Sundays.
  • Before each meal: we drink a full glass of lukewarm water, preferably with a touch of freshly squeezed lemon juice. That gives us a full and full-bodied feeling faster , so we automatically eat less. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water every day
  • Our breakfast: is the same every morning for the time being. We start every day with a power pancake , with a piece of fruit. We are allowed to drink unlimited coffee without milk and sugar and tea. and coffee or tea a gogo
  • Plan B : Have you not really understood how to eat a power pancake on your empty stomach? Replace it with oatmeal porridge or two slices of wholemeal bread with low-fat spreadable cheese, country cheese or a hard-boiled egg. Do not eat any sweet toppings, or fat and sugar-rich foods
  • Recipe pancake: mix 1 egg, 1 jar of low-fat cottage cheese, 3 tablespoons oat bran (no oat flakes) with a fork in a bowl. Coat a frying pan with some olive oil and pour the batter into the hot pan. With the convex side of a spoon, open the batter and fry the pancake on both sides. Turn the pancake over when the 'dough' no longer shines and is no longer damp
  • Fruit at breakfast : some blueberries or raspberries , half a fig (very tasty if you cut them into pieces and bake with the pancake), a couple of slices of mango, a few slices of kaki, half a kiwi or a quarter of apple.
  • Our lunch (lunch): in the afternoon we eat two large plates or cups of soup with a small block of low-fat cheese or lean meat or a can of fish. We mix these healthy ingredients in our soup, or we eat them separately
Soup prolongs our feeling of satiety, so we automatically eat less and lose weight.
  • Plan B: Are not you a soup eater? Then you may occasionally replace it with a healthy vegetable salad with a dressing based on 1 tablespoon of olive oil, half a tablespoon of apple vinegar and fresh herbs. Or by low-fat yogurt with a piece of fruit, as indicated above with our breakfast
  • Our evening meal: in the evening we eat a piece of fatty fish, wild salmon, eel, mackerel, halibut, dorado, tuna, cod fillet, sardines, trout, herring, and anchovies), lean meat, chicken, or turkey. We eat a lot of vegetables with lots of vegetables in all colors. In this way, we benefit maximally from all healthy nutrients that these vegetables have on board
  • Healthy snacks: such as a piece of fruit, a small jar of sugar-free low-fat organic yogurt, and/or a cup of warm, skimmed milk. Limit these snacks to a maximum of two per day, and eat small portions. Eat a different kind of fruit than in the morning (for example, five lychees, a clementine or a kiwi, and a date with three nuts with the coffee
Soup in a meal plan 5 kilos in 1 month

As already mentioned, soup plays a key role in a healthy diet for 5 kilos in one month. Perhaps no one will be surprised who is busy with healthy food and healthy eating.

Soup not only gives us all essential nutrients to keep functioning properly but at the same time also a longer feeling of satiety. This way our hunger stays longer, so we automatically eat less. Soup is also low in calories.

Recipe cauliflower soup
  • Ingredients for our cauliflower soup: the florets of 1 cauliflower, 1 onion, ¼ celeriac, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon coconut oil 2,5 liters chicken stock, finely chopped herbs (parsley or chives), a bunch of watercress, coconut oil, nutmeg, pepper and sea salt
  • The preparation of our cauliflower soup: let the coconut fat melt in a pot. Fruit the peeled and coarsely chopped onion and garlic until they are translucent. Add the cauliflower florets, the peeled celeriac cut into cubes and let them simmer for a few minutes. Add the chicken broth (1 cube per half a liter of water) and let the soup boil. The vegetables must be cooked but not cooked flat. Let the watercress boil for one minute. Before serving, cut the fresh herbs over, (or mix them in the soup)
Recipe celeriac soup
  • Ingredients for our celeriac soup : 1 celeriac, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, the heart and the stalk of the cauliflower, za'atar, thyme and cumin, one and a half liters of chicken broth, half a liter of vegetable stock, 1 handful of parsley, 2 handfuls of arugula, and 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • The preparation of our celeriac soup: heat the olive oil in a high pot. Fry the peeled and coarsely cut onions and garlic into them until they are translucent. Add the cauliflower stalk cut into small pieces, the peeled and diced celeriac and let them simmer for a few minutes. Add the stock (1 cube per half a liter of water) and the za'atar, and let the soup boil. The vegetables must be cooked but not cooked flat. Cut the fresh herbs over or mix them in the soup just before serving.
In this healthy diet plan, the basis of 5 kg in one month you drink enough, at least 2.5 liters of water per day.

A healthy diet plan is not enough to lose weight.

Lose weight that you only in combination with sufficient exercise. Daily half-hour walking, jogging, cycling or swimming at our own pace is preferred to train a few hours a week as a top athlete.