Lose Weight Fast Workout

Lose weight fast workout - If you want to lose weight effectively and quickly, you first need to know what type of workout is best for this. There is a lot of misinformation about this subject on the internet.

Every type of workout has its advantages and disadvantages when you want to lose weight and become fitter. In this article, I will name most mistakes and explain the best method for losing weight with workouts.


If you want to lose weight with workouts, you naturally want to see results. If this result fails to happen, it may be that you are doing something wrong. Are you familiar with this? Maybe you do not pay enough attention to your diet, or do not exercise intensively or long enough. But did you also think about another reason? It may well be that the workout you do is the problem. I will explain why:

In an endurance workout (cardio) you mainly burden your endurance and to a much lesser extent your muscles. Examples of endurance workouts are running , swimming and cycling. You burn a lot of calories while doing an endurance workout, but do you fall off? It is not about how many calories you burn, but what burns calories.

In an endurance workout:
  • Fat reserves are only called after about 20-30 minutes
  • Almost no more calories burned after exercise
  • Virtually no muscle tissues developed
  • Sometimes a little muscle tissue burned
As you can see, the fats are not quickly used when doing an endurance workout and of course you want to lose weight. In addition, you can even lose a little muscle tissue, which will cause you to burn fewer calories while at rest.

So if you are losing weight intensively with workouts such as running, cycling or swimming, then I advise you to continue reading.

In weight training, you mainly burden your muscles and to a much lesser extent your endurance. For strength training, you need to think of exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and abdominal exercises. In addition to such exercises where you only use your own body, there are also all kinds of strength exercises with weights such as bench press and squatting. During a strength training, you burn relatively few calories and partly because of that is the opposite of an endurance workout.

In strength training:
  • Few calories burned
  • Calories still burned after 48 hours
  • Developed your muscles so you keep more muscle gets
  • Due to more and more muscle mass, more and more calories burned. Every kilogram of muscle tissue consumes around 100 calories per day at rest.
So if you are intensively engaged in strength training, it will take a long time in the beginning before you have developed more muscle tissue and will lose weight.

Workouts can be very healthy. For example, you reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes while exercising, your muscles and bones become stronger and it gives you more energy. But if you think that losing weight alone is enough, you make a mistake. A workout is a good tool for losing weight, but your diet remains the most important thing.

In addition, it can even be dangerous to continue eating unhealthily while exercising. This is because with workouts some of your fats are used as energy. These fats contain toxins that are released into the body when they are burned. Your body can easily dispose of it when you get a healthy diet. But if you continue to eat unhealthy food, you get so many toxins that your body can no longer dispose of it in time. You can suffer from drowsiness or headaches, but also worse such as the damage to organs or even cancer.

So make sure that you first have your diet in order before you start exercising intensively! Here you can read more about healthy foods.


I'm not saying that doing endurance workouts or strength training does not help you lose weight. But these types of workouts do not give the best and fastest results. What is the most effective type of workout to lose weight with?

Interval training!

This actually combines the benefits of endurance workout and strength training. This is because during an interval training you always do short and very intensive exercises.

  • An interval training requires a lot of energy, so you burn a lot of calories during interval training.
  • Up to 48 hours after the interval training you keep burning your calories because you have also trained your muscles.
  • Your muscle mass increases, so your body needs more and more energy and you will burn more fat.
  • Your body is in very good condition and you will see that clearly
Explosive workouts such as basketball or martial arts often use interval training.

If you really want to lose weight, then the Insanity workout (known from TV) is ideal for this. The exercises range from abdominals, push-ups, cardio to plyometric exercises (lots of jumping).

The old familiar jogging track or a climbing wall is also very suitable for doing interval training.

Interval training is, therefore, the best method for rapid weight loss. But there are also some disadvantages.

  • You have a lot of discipline and perseverance needed
  • Due to the high intensity, the chance of injuries is higher
  • It is not always suitable for the novice athlete
But where there is a will, there is a way!

In addition, injuries can be prevented by, among other things, good shoes, a good space/surface and the correct execution of the exercises.

Are you a beginning athlete, first see if someone from your area can help you with setting up a not too heavy interval training or first get started with an endurance workout or strength training and build it slowly in this way. After all, every kind of workout is still better than no workout!


Did you know that nutrition is the most important thing if you want to lose weight? To be precise, 70% nutrition and 30% exercise are lost. Therefore, without losing your diet, your efforts will yield little results.