Lose Weight For Women Over 50

The older woman becomes the harder it becomes to lose weight. When a woman turns 50, the body no longer burns the same number of calories as when she was younger.

You have probably adopted a less active lifestyle. This can be for health reasons or by family, work, and so on.

Another reason is the fact that the metabolism starts to work more slowly as you get older. If you are still eating when you were 20 and moving as an 80-year-old, you need the right balance between the calories you take and the calories you will use.

Along with the right food choice, this will help to lose weight women over 50.

Calories needed for a woman over 50

After the age of 20, the daily requirement for calories starts to drop by 150 calories per decade. Because the body will break down muscles and store more fat.

The increase is starting to become really dramatic when women are over 50. That means when you easily burned 2,000 calories a day when you were full of energy and 20 years old. That you then as a woman over 50 will burn 1,550 calories a day.

The daily need for calories is not solely dependent on age and gender. The need also depends on how active you are. The less active you are during the day, the fewer calories you need to get through the day.

This is, of course, different for each person. Another factor is the effect of metabolism. If you have a faster metabolism, you will burn more calories per day than someone with a slower metabolism.

An average is calculated between 1,600 and 2,200 calories. In women, this will usually tend to more than 1,600 calories, while in men it will turn around 2,200. An easy test is to keep track of your calorie intake for one week and to keep track of your weight every day. Then you can easily check whether you have arrived or you have lost weight.

Losing weight for women over 50 will be less smooth than when you were 20 years old. You need to pay extra attention to your diet. Try to make it as healthy as possible.

Another factor is to try to burn calories every day through an activity. Or by eating 200 calories less every day.

You can also do a combination of the two. For example by jogging for half an hour a day. And then 100 or 200 calories per day less to eat.

Lose weight for women over 50 sample diet

Lose weight for women over 50 who eat a daily intake of 1,500 Kcal will have to switch to whole grain products.

Do not skip meals, instead, the meal should be nicely split during the day.

Try to add protein and fiber with every meal. These 2 nutrients also give you the fastest feeling so that you are prevented from eating too much.

Start the day with fried eggs with a wholemeal toast roll. A tablespoon of almond butter and a cup of fresh berries. This together is about 400 Kcal.

Lunch can then be prepared with 3 cups of spinach leaves and grilled chicken breasts. Together with a cup of vegetables of your choice and half an avocado. This together amounts to 250 Kcal. If you want to add olive oil or another oil, you can easily add 100 Kcal extra per tablespoon.

The evening meal can consist of 150 grams of grilled salmon with a medium sweet potato. A cup of steamed sprouts added to it delivers just under 300 Kcal. If you add oil, you can add about 100 calories per soup spoon.

There is still room for a few snacks that you can eat when you wish.

The examples are an apple in the afternoon. And a 50-gram pistachio nuts in the evening.

In this way, you reach a total of 1,550 Kcal per day. This should be sufficient and ensure that lose weight for women over 50.

Exercises to lose weight

When you are no longer used to moving, even the smallest activity can already ensure that you will burn extra calories and help lose weight for women over 50.

To get lasting results you better choose an activity that you like to do. Try to keep this up for 30 minutes a day and repeat this 5 times a week.

When lose weight for women over 50, it can be very useful to do strength training. This is because the body of a woman over 50 no longer looks like a woman of 20 and you can see this body coming back in part with strength training.

The same result can be obtained by performing aerobic exercises such as Zumba and other popular forms of aerobics. Yet strength training remains the most efficient.

Make sure you do not go too far. You should always keep an eye on your age and physical possibilities. Stretching should always be done before you start exercising. And better also after exercise. To limit all possible stiffness of the muscles the day afterward.

The Metabolism At 100%

Losing weight for women over 50 is not always easy. We are faced with a slower metabolism and often a more passive lifestyle. In the Metabolism on 100% program, we discuss the different possibilities. And we also go deeper into the scientific side of metabolism. Without going too deeply into theory. And in an understandable language is explained what we can all change in order to raise our metabolism in this way and thus make weight loss easier.